Maybe it is just me, but the silence on the Left is deafening. No major protests. No violence in the streets. No shrill cries in the Mainstream Media (MSM) either. Not even a vote today against certifying Trump as President by a single Democrat. It would be comfortable to believe resistance against Trump has not been activated because the nation has come together, and the Left realizes that he’s really just the better candidate and they secretly love him. Well, then there is reality. I wrote last summer that when Biden was setup for his disastrous debate, I believed a deal had been struck to remove him, but time would tell. Then, Kamala was unilaterally appointed as the Democrat’s candidate effectively bypassing all state election laws and protocols without legal pushback. This choice of candidate was initially counterintuitive until it became clear she was nothing more than a filler to take the fall. She was expendable. Seeing this with clear eyes, I have no doubt the 2024 Presidential election was rigged too, but it was rigged in the reverse sense by allowing it to take place more or less fairly. Basically, a grand deal was struck to let nature run its course without the normal election interference and rigging and this is why Trump won both the electoral college and popular vote. You may doubt my theory, but then you’d also need to explain the unprecedented and sudden acquiescence and near total silence on the Left. I’ve been around a while and this may sound too wild for your tastes, but I’m telling you a higher power put its finger on the scale for Donald Trump and we all need to be asking what the conditions of the deal were. If I’m right, Trump gave up much of the control of his foreign policy and this means we are headed to war. Let me explain.
For my theory to have any validity, there must be an entity with the power and influence to unilaterally control both the Democrats and Republicans, the MSM, financial institutions, and even Leftist activists. There are a few candidates that come to mind such as some financial institutions and what we know as the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), but I have my eye on another candidate that fits all of the categories when we start testing candidates. The financial elites have had a lock on political influence since at least the Federal Reserve was created, but that’s not new. These factions also like to run below the surface and have funded many Leftist causes, organizations, and agitators. An example of this would be George Soros. He has billions and has used it liberally (pun intended), but so far has never had any interest in uniting the Left and the Right under Donald Trump to say the least. With that in mind, let’s mark this one as possible. Then there is the MIC. We know they are not afraid to share the wealth on both sides of the aisle, but they historically have only been able to buy limited influence within the MSM and have seemed content with the current Uniparty status quo arrangement where the partisan battles rage, but the forever wars continue to get funded. They also have been pretty hostile to Donald Trump, so it would be a departure to see them take a big gamble to go in for Trump. Nonetheless, it is also possible, so like the financial institutions, we can’t rule them out. In fact, I would suggest we’d need to look for a single unifier that combines the interests of both. I’d argue that there is only one tightly knit group that wields that kind of power and influence, and it is what we’ll call the Jewish lobby. Yep, I went there. Nothing else fits. No other group has the ability to quiet and unite both parties in Congress, silence the press, pacify the war lobby, and turn off the street guerillas while still enabling cash flow to Trump’s Administration. Again though, this is theory so feel free to dissent all you want because theories are meant to be tested. To date, I have been evaluating this theory since I first proposed it when the coup to remove Biden was activated. Nothing is that convenient in politics and it went just too smoothly, which threw up all kinds of red flags. Way back then after the debate catastrophe, I asked the same questions in my article, Who Launched the Palace Coup against Biden and Why, and I have been unable to either come up with a sufficient alternate theory or disprove it.
So, before we discuss implications, it’s important to ask how we will know. How will we know whether there is merit to this theory? My answer is that the proof will materialize through Trump’s actions and policies. Much of politics is like a black hole we cannot see, but we can still know it exists by the influence it exerts on everything around it. Almost never are you going to have a senior policy maker come right out and tell you the honest truth about what they are doing, why, and include detailed notes on who benefited from that policy. Thus, asking for such proof is banal and unrealistic. We must look for reliable indicators. Indicators in this realm would materialize as big donors. It would be seen through who was appointed and allowed into the inner circle. Most importantly though, it would materialize through policy. We should see Israeli issues as front and center in Trump’s policy actions regardless of whether they benefited America or not. As such, have we seen any such indicators?
Yes, in fact we already have very strong evidence. Perhaps most overt is the over half a billion…with a B, dollars that the Adelsons have contributed to Trump and Republicans. This election cycle alone, Miriam Adelson, was on track to provide Trump’s campaign with over $100 million in support. These are huge amounts of money folks, and they absolutely come with strings attached. Miriam, an Israeli immigrant to the US, wasn’t hiding what she expected to get for her money. She was very clear the money came in exchange for what amounts to giving Israel a blank check to do as it pleases. Arguably, this includes allowing it to annex the West Bank, which I believe you will see after the conditions, like in Gaza, are created to justify the move. In Trump’s prior Administration, his decision to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem was credited to the influence the Adelson’s had over Trump back them. Nothing has changed. In fact, Trump probably owes this single donor more than any other. If my theory holds, Trump will back Miriam’s policy wishes and as such, Trump will back Israel’s actions in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and Iran whether or not it is good for America. With a half billion dollars of what amounts to foreign lobbyist money in Republican coffers, to call Trump’s Administration America First is a flat out lie. This is what a half billion dollars bought the Adelsons. Remember, it wasn’t just Trump, but the Republican Party and their candidates that were the recipients of what amounts to undue influence buying by a foreign lobby. Interestingly, Marco Rubio, Trump’s pick for Secretary of State was exactly who both Miriam and the late Sheldon Adelson heavily donated to as a potential candidate. Picking Rubio as the Secretary of State fulfills Miriam’s investment exactly as would be predicted. Rubio ensures unbroken control over America’s Israeli policy (or should I say Israel’s policy for America) even after the disastrous pervert Antony Blinken, is replaced. Blinken, for those not aware is Jewish and was very overt when dealing with Israel, stating he was acting as a “Jew” first. If this conflict of interest doesn’t sound problematic, you have forgotten what loyalty means to your nation. We also can do a quick check of the ethno-religious makeup of the rest of Trump’s appointments and there is a disproportionate overrepresentation of Jewish appointments and/or interests. There simply is no dissenting viewpoint when it comes to Israel in Trump’s proposed Administration.
Here are a couple articles detailing the Adelson’s donations:
Disturbingly, it isn’t just the Adelson’s money. AIPAC and other Jewish (foreign) lobby groups have donated additionally hundreds of millions to Republicans and Democrats to collectively control American policy with a single voice. As proof, no other single issue will unify a bi-partisan Congress than an issue related to Jews and/or Israel. This creates a very dangerous echo chamber of foreign influence. This is in large part why I believe the Establishment rallied around re-electing Representative Johnson to be the Speaker of the House. Speaker Johnson has not made good on any promises to the Republican base, but he has dutifully served the interests of the MIC, handed hundreds of billions to Ukraine, and most importantly, rubber stamped any and all war funding and support for Israel.
Now, before moving on, I want to address those that believe Trump is an independent wildcard that will still make his own decisions. I don’t discount this and believe that for the most part, Trump was given a free hand for domestic policies. Even his financiers know he must be able to placate his base to some extent. This deal enabled Trump to address the border, energy, and attempt a public health whitewash with Robert Kennedy Jr., but when it comes to financial policy and international policy, the ones that the Globalist care about, Jewish interests are dictating. In case you haven’t checked, Trump’s financial team doesn’t have much diversity if you catch my drift. Also noteworthy is what Trump prioritized. From what we know of Trump’s 100 Day Plan, it doesn’t include any actions to bolster freedoms and liberties. This tells me he is also beholden to the MIC, which I’ll broaden to the National Security Establishment. When you combine the National Security Establishment’s interests with Israeli interests, you have the perfect storm for war folks. Not since the retarded Bush Jr. was anointed to the Presidency have we seen such a confluence, and this is a very bad thing for America. Let me be clear. This means war despite Trump’s antiwar rhetoric.
On this point I’ll first back up to provide some context. America has seen a sudden uptick in “terrorist” activity. If you read my prior post, The Counterterrorism Industry Is a Failed Sham That Must Be Ended,, you know that terrorism at its root is a created tool for population control. The CIA has repeatedly created proxy terrorist organizations to carry out attacks that are then used to scare the population into compliance. As such, the US Government is your very own biggest state sponsor of terrorism. It’s all smoke and mirrors and I can say this firsthand. I have been on both sides of it and can tell you that yes, we absolutely do arm, train, equip, advise, and employ terrorist proxies. For example, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, and even the Red Brigades were all organizations the US Government created through deliberate policy. Knowing this, these recent terrorist attacks are what we call shaping operations. These attacks are to prime the public mind for another power grab by the National Security Establishment. Further, watch and see, but I’ll bet there will be more attacks soon and they’ll be tied in some ridiculous way to Iran. More importantly, the linkage to Iran will be confirmed by “unnamed intelligence sources” or there will be some device like a surface to air missile with “Made in Iran” written in big bold English on the side shown all over the MSM as proof of Iranian responsibility. There will never be any real debate or investigation much like after 9/11 or 10/7. We will be told who the bad guy is (it will be Iran), and we will be marched to war.
None of this should be viewed through a single lens. To better understand what is occurring, one needs to constantly evaluate the many competing interests at any given time. Trump is going to have to face the hard reality very soon that NATO has lost the war in Ukraine short of direct intervention, which would mean WW3. I do believe Trump wants an offramp and does not want WW3, but to get that, Trump is going to have to find another war. That war will be in Iran. If you haven’t been watching the Israeli press, they have a new article daily about attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities. It’s gotten to the point that this is addressed in a nonchalant manner that assumes this is a foregone conclusion and comes without repercussions. Here is an example from today’s Jersulem Post: Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear program in 2025 could transform Middle East, So, it doesn’t take Nostradamus to put two and two together. Trump’s policy team is going to strongly recommend that the US takes advantage of this “unprecedented” opportunity to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities, which will start a war. If Trump balks at the notion, there will be a convenient false flag attack pinned on the Iranians to force Trumps hand just like the fake chemical attack in Syria. If Iran thinks it can negotiate its way out of this, it is truly retarded and deserves to be toppled. Israel is not going to miss this opportunity anymore than they missed the opportunity to convince the US to invade Iraq or to seize Gaza or to take out Hezbollah or to topple Assad. None of these events are accidents. The are all part of a deliberate long term strategic Israeli Zionist plan to reshape the Middle East using US money, bombs, and blood. Israel will directly attack Iran, assassinate Iranian leaders, foment uprisings and civil unrest, sponsor terrorist attacks, and do whatever is necessary to destroy the Iranian government its military. Ideally, Iran does nothing, and Israel just takes it apart piecemeal like it did Hamas then Hezbollah, and then Assad. However, if Iran does take the bait and fight back, Israel will be even happier. Because of the money donated by the likes of Miriam Adelson, AIPAC, and other extremely wealthy Jewish donors, Israel knows it has Trump on speed dial to commit US forces. It does not matter at all to them that this will be a costly and stupid war that will hamstring Trump’s Administration and bankrupt the US. They don’t care about Trump or America. We are just useful idiots. Israel is off its leash folks and will attack all of its neighbors. As an aside, Turkey is going to also find this out too and regret supplanting Iran in Syria, but this is for another article.
In summary, Trump has been bought by Israeli interests that are hell bent on seizing the West Bank, all of Gaza, and creating the conditions that force the US into a war with Iran. During the campaign, they aligned interests and suppressed dissent to ensure their man, Donald Trump, was elected. Kamala was too dangerous and despite placating Jewish interests, was an unlikeable idiot and had committed the unforgivable sins along with Biden by attempting to limit and even condemn Israeli actions. This insubordination was not to be tolerated, and the Democrats had to be reminded who was in charge. All that said, I’d love for Trump to pump the brakes on this and outfox the foxes, but to date, he’s doing exactly as told, appointing who his donors demand, and has been vocal about his plans to back Israel’s war. If I’m right about, this is a foreign policy disaster in the making. Time will tell but watch and see if the pieces don’t start falling into place.
Be vigilant,