On July 13th, the White House announced the call-up of up to 3,000 military reserves to support Operation Atlantic Resolve in Europe. This has set the net ablaze with rumors of war, but is it time to press the panic button?
Before commenting, it is important to provide a few scene setters. The first is that Operation Atlantic Resolve is not new. It was started back in 2014 to bolster NATO’s eastern flank with Russia “in response” to Russian activities in Ukraine. This is an operation oriented towards developing credible combat power so is not what I would call a non-combat operation. Nonetheless, it is more of a token force designed to promote NATO interoperability and further preparedness through training. To say this operation is designed for preparing NATO to be on a war ready footing to attack Russia is hyperbole as the numbers deployed are ridiculously low to realistically prosecute any war beyond a few days to a week. Remember, Ukraine has lost roughly this many men in as little as a week or two and it does not require every soldier to be dead to render a unit combat ineffective.
The second consideration, which I believe is connected, is the US Army in particular has miserably failed to meet its recruiting goals. In 2022, the Army fell around 15,000 soldiers short in its recruitment goal after the numbers were fluffed to make it appear less of a disaster. Recruitment in 2023 does not appear to be any better. Despite decent retention, the Army is likely short already over 30,000 soldiers. Remember, this is just the Army. Further, this means the Army is having to take far less desirable recruits that, in effect, dumb down an already very stupid military organization. Despite the furrowed brows of “experts” and the “studies” looking into why recruitment is down, it is obvious this is the result of Biden’s destructive cheerleading of open sodomy as a qualifier for the most senior ranks of leadership and woke anti-white heterosexual Christian male policies. We might call this the “Bud Light” effect. Remember, white males have always formed the bulk of military combat units and exclusively the majority demographic of all elite military units and fighter pilots. Demonizing this core demographic of the military ranks has taken its toll. This result was so predictable, one could make a good argument that the political regime in charge is deliberately weakening the military since they cannot be this stupid. No matter the reason, the repetitive failures to recruit top quality soldiers have and will continue to have real impacts on military readiness. This is not just a casual administrative shortfall. These numbers represent the equivalent of the military losing two entire divisions give or take a few thousand depending on how they are organized. Put a different way, Biden’s policy to weaken and destroy the US military is quickly equating to a war far deadlier than every war since World War Two in just two short years. Remember, wars like Vietnam were fought over twenty years and required a draft to hold the military together when facing this level of losses.
With these factors in mind, I would say that the call up of 3,000 reserves is a dead canary in the coal mine with respect to the state of the US military, but it is not an indicator of an imminent outbreak of war with Russia. The failure to recruit enough suitable soldiers is straining the Army more than they want to admit and the cracks are becoming evident. The military is over committed for its force structure. This is a fact proven by the need to call up reserves at all to cover just its standard planned operational deployments. If the call-up was for actual war, you would need to multiply the call-up of 3,000 reserves by at least a factor of one hundred to get close to the forces required for any type of war with Russia. So, if you were worried this means imminent World War Three, you can breathe a sigh of relief. However, it is indicative of the degree to which the US military has been degraded and shows that should a war break out, we are dangerously weak.
One last quick point. I have previously emphasized the hypocrisy of those waving Ukrainian flags and supporting the war against Russia despite little to no knowledge or understanding of what is actually going on there. These ignorant hypocrites demand Russians be killed because they were told it was what good citizens should do but would not dream of doing it themselves. After all, the entitled classes of the US have enjoyed an unprecedented period of using “volunteer” forces to do their dirty work while they virtue signaled each other over martinis in the Four Seasons in Georgetown. Not once did they think their overseas wars may eventually come home to haunt them. In fact, they never even contemplated their Ukraine operation would evolve into a world war requiring a draft and their service and the service of their sons AND daughters. These insulated fools truly believe they are immune from this war. Oh, their surprise when they are being rounded up like teenagers snatched off the streets in Ukraine to go get blown to pieces by Russian artillery in Eastern Europe! These fools that believe their position in society and wealth will make them immune to a draft and thus the war will suffer a worse fate than even those on the front lines when the war goes nuclear. Living in Washington or London in no way will convey immunity and protection from this coming war. War is a funny thing in that despite the perpetual hubris of the world elites, it knows no master once it is released and will take the course it deems appropriate despite the most desperate attempts to control it. I can only pray this reality becomes evident to the decision makers, they become terrified of what they created, and a war with Russia is averted. However, I am not optimistic. If history is any precedent, their arrogance and hubris will blind them to this fact…or even embolden them, and we will blunder into the most devastating period of conflict in human history.
Till next time…