Denial in the Face of a Post-Ukraine Reality
NATO Begins to Panic as the Ukrainian Collapse Accelerates
It’s not often the Director of the CIA and the Secretary of Defense make unscheduled and sudden visits to an ally within days of each other. In the world of politics and warfare, we know this is panic. Nothing short of a frenzied attempt to head off disaster triggers such high-level envoys in such a short period of time. To say they just telegraphed that any chance of a Ukrainian victory evaporated with the failure of their much-delayed Spring Offensive is an understatement for those that know what signs to look for. Remember, from the start, smart men knew this was over before it began and warned that this would result in the senseless slaughter and destruction of Ukraine. Their predictions have come to pass as old men and pregnant women bravely, but futilely defend endless miles of nameless trenches in the mud waiting to die next. As summer died away giving way to fall and soon winter, any remaining sentiment that a positive outcome for Ukraine could be achieved through military means also perished. Now NATO’s denial is giving way to the hard reality of the immense magnitude of the geopolitical disaster they have created. Unlike in Kabul, they simply cannot run away and pretend this problem will go away and resolve itself. No amount of money will pay off the offended. Russia has paid too heavy a price and will have its revenge and the West doesn’t have a plan or the means to stop it.
Russia, despite also suffering horrendous losses, has regained the initiative, and is rolling back Ukrainian positions daily despite sporadic but inconsequential local victories of courageous Ukrainian units. This progress appears to be gaining momentum as more and more Ukrainian units are surrendering without the means to resist. In particular, videos of Russian attacks unopposed by Ukrainian artillery are appearing on the web. This is a bellwether for the state of Ukraine’s logistics and suggests they are quickly running out of ammunition for their big guns. Without artillery, the war is effectively over for Ukraine and its forces will face decimation as Russia overruns their positions facing minimal resistance. Ukraine can continue for some time to throw what remains of its population into the front, but this will only delay the inevitable now and increase the final toll paid. NATO simply cannot replicate the amount of military aid it provided in the run up to the Spring Offensive and Ukraine cannot bring back a generation of men wiped out by Russia. In short, the West is out of money, NATO is out of weapons, and Ukraine is out of bodies. This means that the war in Ukraine is reaching a culminating point, and the end is in sight barring some radical change in the dynamic. The defeat and massive losses suffered by Ukraine will be the price for allowing themselves to buy into the CIA’s deceptive propaganda and coup. By allowing themselves to become the useful idiots led by a corrupt pervert in Washington’s pocket, the Ukraine should have known this would be a disaster for their people, culture, and nation. This is as it always is with the Globalists and the CIA operatives of death. No country has survived Washington’s “help.” Ironically, I don’t think America will either, but that is for another time. The facts for today are Ukraine’s best chance for any real success ended this summer when the last, best, and most equipment and training NATO could provide were destroyed along with the remaining bulk of Ukraine’s fighting age males by Russia without achieving any consequential battlefield gains. Washington, Brussels, and Kiev all know this but simply do not have a plan for how to face this reality. Unfortunately for them, Moscow also knows this and does have a plan.
NATO knows it is facing a culmination of challenges in Ukraine that most likely will prove insurmountable. Perhaps most consequential is that Ukraine cannot replace the numbers of troops it is losing even with full conscription. Despite literally grabbing men off of streets, Kiev simply cannot generate the numbers of troops required to maintain effective combat power in a manner that would allow sufficient training time to create anything more than cannon fodder for Russian artillery. Compounding this issue has been the waning of equipment and financial aid to the Ukraine. NATO members have cleaned out their arsenals to the point where self-preservation is kicking in. Reaching any deeper into their national stores of weapons would literally leave the NATO alliance without arms and unable to defend itself even through a short conflict. Remember, when this fight began, the collective West incorrectly assessed that Russia would quickly fold in face of sanctions and that its industrial capacity was incapable of scaling up to the necessary levels to support a long war. Obviously, these assumptions proved completely wrong, and the opposite has proven true. While Russia’s industrial might as roared back to life and now eclipses the German economy, the Western industrial base…or whatever remains of it…has faltered and failed to keep pace with demand leading to a growing deficit between the arms used and arms produced. As a mirror to the arms supplies, Western economic and financial support has also dropped off a cliff. The political support for the war in both Europe and the US has evaporated and with it the ability to continue to justify billing their citizens, which are already struggling financially, for subsidizing a foreign war they have no intrinsic interests in. In particular, a growing majority of Americans oppose additional support for the war as they are facing a $34 trillion debt, spiraling inflation, and worsening economic conditions at home. These conditions alone were more than sufficient to seal Ukraine’s doom, but then the war in Gaza broke out. Despite the lies peddled by the government’s mainstream media propagandists, the US is incapable of supplying and funding two major wars while maintaining the necessary reserves of money and material to also fight a war on its own against a country like Iran, much less against Russia or China. Perhaps ironically, Israel may ultimately prove to be the final straw that breaks Ukraine.
My readers know that I do not believe Israel’s war against Gaza was a surprise or coincidence. I firmly believe, as I predicted in numerous letters over the course of the spring and summer of 2023 that as the war in Ukraine failed, Washington had only two options. It would either have to escalate into a full-blown war with Russia, which would be a true World War III scenario, or use the “Kabul Option” and start another war as a distraction so it could ditch Kiev and cover for its failures by calling for peace talks and then extending a total media blackout over anything Ukraine. I assessed that the Kabul Option would be the most likely, but that it would ultimately fail because unlike in Afghanistan, the problems couldn’t be boxed up and forgotten. Russia is too big to be ignored and has the ability to project power into the heart of Europe unlike the Taliban. Further, and more specifically, I warned that the US would use Israel and initiate their long-desired war with Iran as just such a distraction. Now looking back, we can see this played out exactly on cue as it became apparent Ukraine’s offensive had failed and with it any chance of victory over Russia…exactly as predicted. Those of you that are saying that this is just a war with Gaza should understand that Gaza was just the pretext for a much bigger planned war. Israel will not and cannot stop for reasons I have previously posted about. Netanyahu and the US must escalate this war. Behind the scenes, Israel is panicked over the possibility of a strong, prosperous, and undivided greater Middle East that BRICS promises. America is equally terrified of de-dollarization and the end of the Petro-Dollar. To prevent this and place the Middle East back under the thumb of the Western elites, they are doing the only thing they know how…using a war to burn the game board and start over. This is where their plan fails. Despite the US having a long run of destroying nations and setting up vassal states, it is looking like those days are ending. The US has been internally sabotaged and led to its own destruction. The bankers have overplayed their hand and for the first time in generations, the US is too weak and too incompetent to project the force necessary to retain power. Despite what most likely will lead to the US triggering a true global war, it will fail to dig itself out of the mess the parasitic class of financial elites suckered it into creating.
So, this brings us back to Ukraine. When Ukraine breaks, it won’t be pretty. It won’t be slow either. The collapse most likely will be shocking, chaotic, and rapid. Russia may be slowly grinding away on a front the West wants you to believe is in stalemate, but Russia is systematically eliminating in place whatever remaining combat power Ukraine can generate. This dynamic is very finite and as soon as the lines begin to crack, the dam will break wide open. This is how conventional armies collapse…slowly and then all at once. Once the logistics falter and ammo, food, and fuel fail to reach the troops at the front, the army at first gets massacred and then recognizes the reality and surrenders in mass. Further, support for the war in Ukraine has diminished and the rat Zelensky has had to resort to ever more draconian measures to hold onto power. The Ukrainian people have plenty of reasons, real and manufactured, to hate Russians, but now they also have good reasons to hate their own government, which lied to them and has led them to their annihilation. Rumors of coups are now circulating so widely one must wonder if this is not predictive programming in action. Add in the last-minute trips by Burns and Austin, and you can flip a coin on whether Washington has decided to double down on the rat or to leave him to his own fate. When all of this begins to transpire, and it will, there will be little to stop Russia driving all the way to Moldova and deservedly so. They have fought a brutally tough war against not just Ukraine, but effectively all of NATO so Russia will take most of Ukraine as its prize.
NATO is now in a conundrum. It cannot accept the reality of the disaster it created, but it also cannot do anything about it. From this state of schizophrenia, we return to a political dilemma where there are only two likely choices to be made…one is bad, and the other is worse for the West. Starting with the bad, the defeat in Ukraine will leave the West in a state of partial policy paralysis as it tries to desperately shift attention to Israel and the Middle East. Europe though cannot ignore the fact that it must face the fact that Russia has won and will now exact its toll even if the US is still in denial hiding on the other side of the Atlantic. Europe will also quickly realize the US is in no position to do anything about it so it must suddenly fend for itself. No matter how much the western propagandists in the media try to spin this and re-write the narrative, the disaster is obvious to everyone. NATO will no longer be respected and will be relegated to an organization that exists only on paper if it survives. In fact, this may be the start of the disintegration of not just NATO, but the European Union. The economic consequences will be persistent and severe and lead to the rise of nationalist populist political parties that will correctly blame Brussels and the Establishment for the disaster. As self-preservation again takes hold, expect to see nations independently strike deals with Russia to re-establish political and economic relations on Russia’s terms while telling the EU’s bureaucratic class to piss off. On the other side of the Atlantic, the US, torn by domestic political turmoil, high inflation, and spiraling debt will find itself overextended, exhausted, and both financially and morally bankrupt from decades of stupid wars fought on behalf of the parasitic banker class hiding in the shadows behind the real policy moves. The US will be lucky itself if it continues to exist in a form recognizable today but will be in no shape for the foreseeable future to project power in any meaningful way. Its wars will be domestic, and the world will move past the American century as the Great Reset transitions power to the East. This realignment will occur much quicker than many will believe because with the US also forced to recognize it has lost its superpower status to a newly emergent multi-polar world, there will be little more than nostalgia left to prevent the global realignment to materialize. This is the “bad” scenario, but honestly the best case we can hope for as the conflicts run the course.
This leaves Option 2, which is the worst case. As I have written, the “Kabul Option” was the convenient go-to play for the Establishment if the plan went off the rails in Ukraine. However, as I also pointed out, this would fail leaving the US with a choice between defeat or escalation. I fear the megalomaniacs in charge cannot accept defeat. Their financial interests are as tied to this suicidal policy as their egos. In fact, they see sparking WWIII as a better option than losing because in their sick heads, there is a chance they could still come out on top. Remember, these parasites do not care at all for their hosts and will not hesitate to kill millions…even billions if they think it will preserve their status at the table. As such, they are still in denial because the rat Zelensky is still fervently sacrificing the remaining population of Ukraine to Russian artillery, but soon enough, denial will meet reality. Sometime before the front cracks and mass surrenders begin, someone will have to make the decision to accept defeat or escalate into the abyss. That decision point is probably months away, but not years. It could be as soon as spring or as late as next fall, but I don’t believe it is in the distant future. The conditions we are seeing materialize are just not sustainable even if Ukraine gets some fighter jets. The West will either have to directly intervene or lose because as the war in the Middle East heats up, it will only be to Russia and China’s benefit leaving few to no other policy options to salvage the situation. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail.
Till next time,