We are repeatedly told by our elites and their propaganda ministers that Ukraine must prevail over Russia, but what really does a Ukrainian victory look like? Why is such a victory necessary? How would victory be achieved? What would be the cost of defeating Russia? These are critically important questions to be discussed AND deserve proper answers. When has America, or any NATO member state for that matter, had an open debate with their citizens about what a Ukrainian victory really means? Could it be they have not because the reality is so ugly that it could not be sold to the public? If so, perhaps the war would never have happened and hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved if people were aware of the honest answers. That was not to be. Folks, this is why censorship and the monopoly over information is so dangerous. The elites had an agenda that was going to be forced come hell or highwater on the world and Russia was going to be punished using the lives of good Ukrainians as the cannon fodder for their policy. As such, I want to explore what a “Ukrainian victory” would entail for the region and world…in fact, I think you will see that there never was such a reality, it has been suppressed from the public discourse, and the real question has always been, “Do you want a nuclear war?”
I find it fascinating how effective a little bit of fear goes to control the population especially when coupled with confusion, isolation, and conformity. What I find equally fascinating is how people prioritize fear. Case and point…People hid in their basements, ratted out neighbors, wore ridiculous face diapers, and then took what is turning out to be a toxic and ineffective gene therapy that made them more likely to be sick all because of the manufactured fear of what amounted to a virus roughly as lethal as the common cold. Despite the obvious reality right in front of them that COVID19 was an overblown politicized lie, people continued to comply, acting as if mere contact with the outdoors would spell a certain doom. Remember, it was not like the people in New York or California couldn’t hop a flight like their “elected” leaders to Florida or Texas and see that nothing had changed, and things were still operating completely normal. In fact, if someone did not mention it, you’d barely noticed that anything was amiss in the states that didn’t bow down to the fear porn insanity. This no doubt will be studied for decades to come as one of the greatest experiments in social engineering in history. Now, consider how today the pendulum has been swung to the opposite extreme by our puppet masters. The nation this time has been manipulated into an apathetic sleep acquiescing in silence to the gravest threat our nation has faced in its history. The possibility of a nuclear war has never been higher and the potential for nearly everyone in the Northern Hemisphere to die is a near certainty should missiles fly. Nonetheless, this legitimately catastrophic threat of complete extinction does not seem to faze the population. Where are all the peace activists now? What about the environmentalists or the human rights activists? They are nowhere to be found because they are nothing more than paid actors for the ruling elite. It is sad how easily manipulated the cowardly sheeple are today. In fact, the biggest COVID19 cowards are suddenly the strongest supporters of the war in Ukraine dutifully flying their yellow and blue flags despite the fact they could not tell you the names of the last two presidents of Ukraine or even where it was located on an unlabeled map. None of these virtue signalers would be willing to head to the front lines and fight for this “just cause” and they certainly would not allow their children to be drafted to do the same. Nonetheless, they, without thought, cheerlead the mass slaughter of their fellow man. These are hypocrites of the highest order.
Okay, so what’s my point with the digression about psychological control of the masses? I detail this to point out that you can bet like the sun rising and setting the government will lie to you. The government lied to us about COVID19 and most bought it. The government is now lying to us again, but this time it’s telling everyone that supporting Ukraine is right, there is no downside to dealing a humiliating defeat to Russia, and should that pesky subject of World War 3 and nuclear annihilation come up, it is all really just hyperbole and won’t happen so go about your business. You see, we cower when told despite the evidence and now we go about life as normal despite the evidence. We are collectively mindless cowards of the laziest order intellectually. Arguably, a population this stupid and politically apathetic might just deserve what it gets. When the innate drive toward self-preservation is overridden by flimsy narratives concocted by corrupt elites on power trips designed in hell, we should look inward when it comes to who is really to blame.
That said, let’s finally get down to what a true victory would look like. According to the narrative we are supposed to believe, Ukraine would “retake” all lands “occupied” by Russia to include Crimea. Ukraine would become an overnight NATO member and quickly host large military contingents to include missiles and huge naval bases along the Black Sea, which would effectively cut off Russian access to a warm water port. Further, Putin would be removed from office and drug to the Hague for trial as a war criminal while Russia was broken into smaller states to the cheers of the public waving rainbow flags now finally freed from oppression and able to enjoy the Satanic vices of the West. This, according to Western elites, is the envisioned endstate and what “victory” looks like. Of course, there are a few small problems with this vision of victory that have not been adequately conveyed to the public like the fact it is a totally fabricated fantasy that will not and cannot be achieved. The picture painted, even a small portion of it has zero…zero…linkage to reality. This notion of victory is neither feasible nor viable. In short, it borders impossible, and this is why I began by discussing how effectively people can be manipulated into believing the most absurd lies despite the reality right in front of them to their own great detriment and peril.
I’ll state this flat out. If any leader believes that Russia will permit the loss of access to the Black Sea, they should be immediately removed from office and have their head checked for psychosis. Linking Ukrainian control of Crimea and the expulsion of Russia from its ports to victory is a Russian red line that crossing will trigger a full-scale conflict, which if it involves NATO, will involve nuclear weapons. Further, any situation that led to Ukraine overrunning Russian forces and threatening it with a defeat would lead to a wider war and the use of nuclear weapons. Oh, and if the lunatic weirdo for a senator named Graham genuinely believes passing some law to immediately make Ukraine a NATO member really leads to “more” security, then he should write into that resolution a rule to forbid all political leadership from accessing any government continuity bunker. He knows full well that any move that makes Ukraine a NATO member guarantees WW3 and a nuclear war. The man is clearly mentally ill and has lost his grip on reality and South Carolina needs to remove him from office as soon as legally possible for the good of the nation. Further, the upcoming NATO summit is already dangling this idea to fast-track Ukraine on a path to NATO membership, so Graham isn’t the only whackadoodle on the loose. My hope and guess are the Europeans will get cold feet, opt to avoid continental suicide, and ice that insane idea despite the inflammatory rhetoric, but the point still remains. If NATO admits Ukraine while at war with Russia, NATO is then at war with Russia. If NATO is at war with Russia, NATO gets nuked per Russian nuclear use doctrine. Are you seeing a trend here? Russia has a vote. As a nation with the largest and most modern nuclear arsenal in the world, you cannot defeat it. There is no victory. All conflict must be ended through negotiations that lead to honorable exits. Attempting to force anything short of that risks an apocalypse. As such, any Ukraine victory would translate to utter destruction and defeat. Therefore, if the US and Europe really want a Ukrainian victory, what they really are saying is they want a nuclear war that annihilates their entire nation. This point is what needs to be driven home in the public mind. Not the suicidal lunacy being peddled by these psychopathic elites driven by what can only be a demonic force enraptured with destruction.
We can continue this to all aspects of this dangerous and delusional lie of Ukrainian victory. For example, is forcefully deposing Putin and dragging him to the Hague viable? Well, if the Russians do something internally to transition power that is a Russian issue, but do not think for a second they will permit one of their own to be humiliated in front of a globalist kangaroo court. They would bomb the court before they would suffer that humiliation leading to nuclear war. Further, even if the CIA pulled off some type of internal coup, the likelihood of getting someone friendlier to the West is remote. In all likelihood, anyone that could fill his role would be more nationalistic and far less restrained in confronting Ukraine and NATO meaning this would likely lead to all out war. As far as breaking up Russia and converting its population to self-loathing cheerleaders of the woke agenda, it is delusional, and you guessed it…The Russian nation, threatened with destruction, would launch everything per its nuclear doctrine. There can never be and will never be a victorious Ukraine folks. It is just that simple. They win, we all die. Get it?
My letter is another warning. The demonic elites are determined to start a catastrophic war. We can debate their motives for it, but it is clear they will do whatever is necessary to trigger a broader conflict that involves NATO. This entire letter has been to highlight the lies being peddled about the outcome in Ukraine and how the true disastrous reality has been hidden from the public. If they are not confronted, exposed, and stopped, this leads to a literal nuclear holocaust. We beat them by exposing their plot to execute a radiological false flag (for now) and we can beat them again by exposing their lies about what a “victory” entails. Again, you need to spread the word. Share these letters broadly, link them everywhere, chat about it, call into radio shows, do whatever you can to sensitize people to the fact that there is no such thing as a Ukrainian victory…only nuclear war…if this is not ended through negotiations offering honorable exits.
Thank you all for your support. Till next time…