Oh, how they howl! The cries for revenge against Hamas and by extension, Iran, have been pouring in from the globalists lusting for another war. You see, NATO has been defeated in Ukraine, and like I have repeatedly warned, they must find a new war to distract from their failures while maintaining their racket for stealing the wealth of the plebes and redistributing it to the elites. For this slush fund to continue, the war with Iran has now been approved and will serve as cover for their exit out of Ukraine. See: https://open.substack.com/pub/demosthenestheyounger/p/its-time-for-nato-to-discuss-options?r=2i78uh&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web This practice has served the elites well for decades now and allowed them to funnel trillions of dollars to insiders while simultaneously using fear to scare people into giving up the Rights and ceding extensive new powers to the political establishment. However, the rules of the game have changed, and their hubris has blinded them to the new reality. A war with Iran will fail because the US is overextended and has no real capability to enforce any type of lasting “revenge.” Unlike Afghanistan, Washington will not be able to just “walk away” from Ukraine without consequences to start a war with Iran. Their prized international organization known as NATO will be left shattered and impotent. Additionally, the diversion of resources to a new war in the Middle East will leave the US bankrupt, its economy destroyed, and the homeland in turmoil. Opening a two front conflict will make any attempt to continue the war in Ukraine impossible to speak nothing of maintaining even a remotely credible posture of deterrence in Asia against China. To be clear, I am not saying the US has no capability to strike Iran. I am warning that the US has no capability to do it without incurring costs far in excess of what anyone would pay if they knew the consequences. These consequences include precipitating massive and rapid escalation leading to a nuclear exchange and world war. As such, let me detail exactly what “revenge” will mean for the US, Middle East, and the world. The consequences are almost incalculable.
The first thing everyone needs to understand is there is a real risk that a war between Israel and Iran could go nuclear irrespective of whether or not the US becomes involved. Israel is rapidly preparing to strike targets in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran proper. Israel is fully aware that this will force Iran to retaliate. I have done extensive analysis of Israeli war planning for Iran and despite the focus on using its air force to conduct strikes, Israel is most likely to use submarine launched ballistic missiles, not missiles and bombs from aircraft, for a first strike. This provides Israel with plausible deniability while forcing Iran to make a choice as to against whom and where to retaliate. When Iran retaliates, Israel will incur significant damage…enough so that it will look to the US to intervene militarily against Iran. Israel will use its nuclear blackmail card and claim that despite initiating the “necessary” war with Iran, it cannot fight a prolonged war because it lacks strategic depth and therefore the attacks now coming from Iran pose an existential threat to Israel. Israel will claim that therefore, it must use nuclear weapons to stop Iran.
In previous years, this would be enough to force Washington’s hand and lead to another disastrous war where Americans pay and bleed. However, the dynamic has changed enough that there are reasonable odds that the US will balk because it knows it cannot fight the prolonged conventional conflict with Iran that would be necessary to effectively win. Further, a US strike would incur Iranian retaliation against American targets in most of the surrounding Arab nations such as Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. The Arab states do not want this conflict to spill over into their countries as it could quickly destabilize the entire region and create global economic turmoil due to massive disruptions in oil and gas production. The Straits of Hormuz would be blocked, global shipping would cease, and production facilities would be destroyed. The Gulf Arab states also are nearly completely reliant on water desalinization plants, which are extremely vulnerable to Iranian attack. Europe in particular is very worried about this scenario. Europe, after making its self-destructive decision to cut off Russian oil and gas and to allow the US to destroy the Nord Stream Pipeline, is critically reliant on Middle Eastern supplies. Any disruption heading into winter would be an unmitigable disaster respective of both cost and supply. As such, the EU will heavily pressure the US not to intervene despite outward cries for Hamas to be punished. Add to the fact Europe and specifically, NATO members, are far more concerned about a suffering a politically catastrophic defeat in Ukraine. They know full well that NATO is already unable to supply sufficient weapons to Ukraine. If the US begins a war with Iran, there will be nothing left to spare signaling certain defeat for Ukraine. Again, this creates the pressure against the US entering a major war with Iran. Thus, Israel, unlike before, may have miscalculated and will actually be forced to enter a war with Iran alone. In this fairly likely scenario, Israel will use nuclear weapons against Iran and Syria (Damascus) leading to an incredibly heavy retaliation by Iran that will include biological and chemical weapons. Iran’s counter strike will destroy large portions of Israel, but ultimately, against a nuclear onslaught, not be sufficient to completely defeat Israel. With this in mind, this should be getting the attention of every Christian. If it sounds like prophetic fulfillment (think the Book of Daniel and the opening act to the Tribulation), it is because the events are sounding quite a bit like what was foretold.
Now, let’s look at a scenario that at least starts as a conventional war, but could end even worse. This is where the US is again suckered into fighting a war for Israel. The initial phases more or less are the same as the nuclear scenario. Israel hammers Gaza and this escalates into a direct confrontation with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. This may or may not provoke Iran to directly intervene, but at this point, regardless of Iran’s discretion, I expect Israel to hit targets in Iran. The odds of this occurring this week are extremely high. At this point, Iran will be pulled into a direct conflict with Israel and will retaliate. Americans no doubt will be caught in the crossfire and the US will use this as a pretext to directly intervene. This may include bombing targets in Lebanon, Syria, and/or Iran. However, this creates a HUGE problem. Russians are in Syria and a Syrian ally of President Assad. Any attack into Syria will likely trigger a Russian response to include the use of its air defense systems against both Israel and the US if its interests are threatened. I do not believe any “agreements” between Russia and Israel to leave each other alone will be honored and Russia will be forced to pick a side. Syria is too important for Russia, so this becomes self-fulfilling. This could put the US directly into war with Russia and then we are back to a nuclear scenario that is global, not just regional. If the US smartly stays out of the fight in Syria and Lebanon, then it will focus on Iran. Iran will almost certainly sink any US warship dumb enough to be caught in the Persian Gulf if the US launches attacks against Iran. This will also lead to direct strikes against US targets throughout the Middle East causing a full Middle Eastern conflict. As for US boots on the ground in Iran, I simply don’t believe it is feasible. I have studied the US war plans for Iran and there are no good options for a land invasion. The costs are astronomical and then still would barely get us beyond the beach. Because of this, I believe any US involvement against Iran will be limited to sanctions, memes, and air strikes from maximum stand-off range.
As for the rest of the Middle East, this war, if allowed to extend beyond Israel’s borders will become a massive Charlie Foxtrot (ask a friend) for the region. The Gulf Arab states will be embroiled in this war and have to choose between fighting a Shia Iran or Jewish Israel. Even if governments like Saudi Arabia initially opt to fight Iran, their populations are likely to split on the issue and uprisings could suddenly threaten what many thought were stable monarchies. Either way this goes, it means massive chaos across the region. I still can’t tell you where Turkey will fall out in this mess, but until proven otherwise, I have to expect them to join the fray against Israel. Again, we are talking a nightmare scenario quickly escalating from an internal conflict to a regional conflict to a world war. On the Turkey point, watch Greece as an outlier. I’d expect Greece to align with Israel if Turkey enters the war. I think you’ll also see Armenia and Azerbaijan being forced to pick sides. If Turkey jumps in, I’d expect Egypt to be unable to stay out of the fight and also enter the war. Even if only half of these dominos fall, there is no way around the fact that if the war is allowed to escalate, it will cause immeasurable repercussions across the region and globe.
I strive to help my readers understand world events and present information and analysis you simply will not get anywhere else. I have professionally done this type of work for decades. In that time, I have never seen a convergence of events more explosive. I mean this quite seriously. What terrifies me is that there is so much emotion and rage, very little good sense is in play, and this will lead to mistakes and miscalculations. With a demented and corrupt Marxist at the helm in the US, there is nothing outside of God I can put faith in to avert this catastrophe. In fact, I am becoming convinced there are powers at work here that have judged the world and are now about to inflict punishment for defiance of God so even that may fall on deaf ears. Nonetheless, pray hard this does not escalate. If it does, the escalation may be so fast and destructive that by week’s end, the world is no longer recognizable. Friends and readers always ask me how to know when its time to really worry and start to execute emergency plans. I’m telling you to take this very seriously and begin whatever your emergency plans call for. The tripwire’s you need to be on the alert for are Israeli strikes against Iran, direct US military intervention, and/or heavy attacks on Damascus. If any of these transpire, you need to move to a true emergency footing.
God be with us.