Israel’s War Becomes America’s War in Yemen
Disastrous Policies, Strategic Impotence, and the Lies Bring Us to the End of the American Century
On cue the propagandists for war are in high gear. The latest war is against anyone that disagrees with Israel. We “must” support Israel they repeatedly parrot. We? When exactly did I get roped into this foreign fight? We “must” send weapons and money to support Israel the apparatchiks demand. We? Most Americans can barely afford grocery bills. Where exactly is this money going and to whom? As for guns, I thought we were supposed to ban assault weapons, not give them away. Further, how many more trillions of dollars in aid must we dump into this piece of real estate before it can defend itself? They aren’t done though. Not only must all Americans support Israel and its on-going genocidal war crimes, but they “must” also fight and die for Israel. I don’t know about you, but Israel has done exactly 0.00 for me and my family over the course of my entire life. In exchange, I’ve risked my life in their senseless wars against their enemies like Iraq, I’ve unwilling subsidized them through my tax dollars, I’ve witnessed my holiest sites and fellow Christians desecrated and persecuted by Israeli Jews, and I’ve known no peace in the region my entire life. I feel a bit like I got screwed on the deal. In fact, I want out. I don’t want any part of this fight because it isn’t mine. Nonetheless, the US, as we speak, is barreling towards a major conflict in the region it cannot win. Our elites, without our consent or even a debate, have signed the country up for a war with the entire Islamic world and that’s before we consider the possibility countries like Russia and China could also become involved. The fight we are about to get in will not be like anything we have previously experienced in the region and will be an utter disaster for the US and world, which brings me to the meat of today’s letter.
To recap, I have repeatedly detailed in prior letters (see my library) how this war in the Middle East would begin as soon as Ukraine failed. On cue, just as the spring/summer offensive ended in disaster and the harsh reality of Ukraine’s impending defeat became undeniable, Israel’s staged war against the entire region kicked off with a false flag that has now led to the total annihilation of roughly half of Gaza and the worst example of overt genocide in the 21st Century. I also informed my readers that this war would not end in Gaza. In prior letters I detailed my case for this and believe the evidence strongly supports the assessment that this war will expand to the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and potentially the entire region. As I write tonight, this expansion of the war is in process. An armada of ships from what appears to be at least 10 nations is descending upon the Red Sea and the coast of Yemen. This we are told will be to protect shipping and force the Houthis to relent. They are wrong and lying.
Let’s deal with the “wrong” portion first. We have bombed country after country in the Middle East for literally decades and not once did it achieve our strategic objective. Sure, we destroyed a lot of infrastructure, killed probably a million civilians, and increased the misery of entire nations, but the bombing campaigns achieved nothing but bankrolling the war industry. However, despite trillions of dollars spent on failed military operations, we are now being told to believe that sailing some ships past the coast is going to scare the Houthis into submission. Are we serious? Does anyone realize how weak this makes us look? It truly would be better if we had just stayed out of it and avoided this strategic embarrassment, which, mark my words, is going to highlight just how far the US has fallen into utter incompetency. Those ships do carry a lot of firepower, but it isn’t remotely enough to defeat a nation. It’s honestly not even enough firepower to take a single city to be perfectly blunt. Then there are the things they won’t tell you like the fact we have been covertly supporting Saudi Arabia and helping them bomb the Houthis for years already and failed. They also won’t give you anything close to a history lesson and remind you that the USS Cole was nearly sunk in the Port of Aden leading to the US Navy’s retreat from their coastal waters on October 12, 2000. They won’t remind you that the CIA’s counter terrorism operations against al Qaeda also failed and subsequent assassination teams and raids failed. The most spectacular failure was the disastrous SEAL team raid launched in the first days of Trump’s presidency leading to the loss of an MV-22 aircraft and the death of a SEAL. Instead, they’ll pretend this is some new issue, but behind closed doors they know our covert war against the better part of Yemen already failed and Saudi Arabia was forced to enter into peace negotiations. You see, they know this demonstration of force off the coast of Yemen has no chance of success and that brings us to the lie.
The psychological operations against the public have been in motion for at least a century but are always at their worst during war times. Some of these lies are just big, bold, and so patently false, they are insulting. However, they serve a purpose to camouflage the real lie. This type of lie is a Trojan Horse. On the surface, it is a real and legitimate statement, but it is a deception that hides an insidious poison so that it can enter your conscious and take up residency without raising any warning signs and being cast out. This is the type of trap being set with Yemen and the Houthis. We are told (with no debate, no questions, no vote) that we are sending an international coalition of naval vessels to protect shipping and ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea region. On the surface, this seems valid and legitimate, but of course they won’t discuss the important details like exactly how and why this is being done. If they did that, the lie would be revealed, and the plot would fail. For example, they have at least insinuated this armada will provide air defense in the region to commercial shipping and will engage any drones or missiles launched by the Houthis and move to interdict any piracy attempts. The lie being sold is that our warships in the region will equal security and allow for ships to transit the region again safely. However, they already know the major shipping companies and insurers still will not send their ships back into the region, so this whole operation is a bogus smokescreen. The risk is just too high for shipping companies, and they can charge more for the longer transits anyhow. Remember that the sea-based air defenses are not fool-proof. They can and will fail and ships will still be damaged or sunk. In fact, making the coast of Yemen a full war zone will only make the region more chaotic, dangerous, and unstable and only strengthen the justifications for avoiding the Red Sea transit.
This is just the start of the lies. Closing the Red Sea is the same as closing the Suez Canal, which creates a true strategic crisis. This is such a vital transit that the US almost was pulled into a war with Russia when a war between Egypt and Israel spun out of control and led to the temporary closing of the canal. Oh, how history rhymes. If it were any other Administration, this crisis would be front page news and appropriately billed as a military and foreign policy disaster. It wasn’t long ago that a tanker grounded in the Suez Canal and stopped transit. Do you remember how big a deal that was? It was huge. That single ship running aground was blamed for international trade grinding to a halt and price spikes. So, where is the outrage now? Is it not worse now? Do you see the double standard? Why though? I’d offer up that the reason is multifaceted. On the surface level, we are effectively in campaign season for a presidential election. No Administration wants this failure on their watch. However, if you don’t want it on your watch, then why let it happen? This brings us to the next level of the lie. The truth is we are now impotent and couldn’t stop it from happening even if we wanted to. Our giant trillion-dollar military is simply incapable of preventing a low-level band of rebels that control a small but strategic sliver of land from stopping a disproportionate chunk of international shipping. Then we get to the deeper issue. The real truth. The armada is window dressing. Politically, we can’t ignore the situation and pretend that it isn’t serious so have to look like we are doing something. This serves to redirect attention away from the fact this is occurring because we created the conditions for it to occur. In fact, we wanted this to occur and need this to cause pain. The naval deployment is just to deceive the public into thinking we are taking real action and want stability in the region. However, the truth is completely the opposite. What is really occurring is a scene setter to provoke and justify a much broader war with Iran. We know that Iran will continue to back the Houthis and we know the Houthis will continue to support the Palestinians even if it means they are attacked by the US. You see, this latter half of expected Houthi resistance gets us to the desired flashpoint. We know that air defense alone in the Red Sea isn’t ever going to protect ships or stop Houthi attacks. If we are going to stop attacks, we’d actually have to invade and occupy Yemen. We aren’t going to do that so we will bomb Houthi targets such as launch sites and weapons depots. To date, despite the propaganda, the Houthis do not want a direct confrontation with the US and have avoided directly attacking US Navy ships. By positioning our Navy off their coast, we are inviting an attack and I think we will certainly act to provoke one or stage one. Understand that if the US enters the conflict on behalf of Israel by bombing Houthi targets in Yemen, all bets are off. We will become an active combatant and the Houthis will target US ships in earnest. Further, Iran will likely help them improve their missile and drones so that the attacks are more effective. Both the US and Israel are counting on this. Make no mistake though, Iran is watching this closely. They know that Israel and the US fully intend to use the escalation ladder to get to the point it can justify attacking Iran and will try to prevent this by limiting Houthi strikes even if they help improve their defensive capabilities in drones and anti-ship missiles. Iran is fooling itself though if it thinks it can play nice and try to de-escalate. They’d be better to give the Houthis everything they have and let them sink our Navy before it is used against Tehran because the war is coming to them one way or another. Even if the Houthis completely ceased attacks against ships, I believe the Israelis themselves would stage an attack to blame the Houthis just so they could then use the attack as propaganda to push the US into war with Iran. Iran is and always has been Israel’s number one target and they see this as their best and only shot to get us to take Iran out.
Folks the game board was set, and the first plays have been made for this latest round for global dominance. Israel has gone all in, and the US is the sucker for this hustle. As it stands, the greater Middle East has folded thinking this will exempt them from having to hand over all of their chips to the dealer. This was probably the smart play for the Arab nations, but their attempts to protect their own wealth and power will ultimately backfire because this game is played for keeps and it is all or nothing. You can’t fold and walk away. Israel is calling the shots and has made the decision to execute their full Zionist agenda and take out all remaining threats to the tribe using American blood and money. Whether the bulk of the Washington Establishment knows it or not, the US intervention in the Red Sea is most likely going to become the point where America is sucked directly into the war on behalf of Israel. We are already paying for it in dollars, but soon we may very well be paying for it in the lives of sailors. Again, even if the Houthis back down, Israel won’t. They’ll likely use the opportunity to attack one of our ships and blame the Houthis to get the desired escalation. If anyone thinks for a second Israel wouldn’t attack a US ship and kill Americans, you are a naïve fool and know nothing of history (see the attack on the USS Liberty) or of the Israeli art of war, which is literally “by deception.” A half measure would be for Israel to just bomb targets in Yemen themselves and let the Houthis think it was the Americans. Either way, if/when the Houthis fire back, the propagandists will be at their keyboards and ready to start generating copious calls for action blaming the sinister Iranians. If you doubt this, just look at how the Houthis are mentioned in the press. It is always the “Iranian backed” Houthis. Do you see how they are using predictive programming to prime the pump for war? This, as copiously detailed in prior letters, leads to a total and unmitigated disaster for the US, which ends America’s reign as a global superpower…and that’s the best-case scenario. This winter will be interesting folks. Stay tuned.
Till next time,