It Is Time for Men of Good Conscience to Call for the End to the Slaughter in Ukraine
A Failed Offensive and Obsolete Equipment Have Sealed the Deal
There is a difference between necessary sacrifice and needless suicide in any struggle. This important distinction should always be on the minds of military planners and political leaders of good conscience. In the West, this was once the realm of Christians of great fortitude, which appear to have been purged from all senior leadership roles in governments and militaries today. The hallmark of this absence has been the increasing conduct of wars for profit in violation of any “just war” considerations leading to senseless slaughter, widespread destruction, and the most insidious of them all, a steady degradation of the soul. Today, nations enter into warfare so casually, it is no longer required to even debate the purpose, risks, consequences, or national necessity. In fact, there is intentionally no debate as the political class has usurped any sense of republican values of a government subservient to the people. This insulation between the policy makers and those suffering the brutality of war could not be starker leading to a false notion of war without consequence. The war in Ukraine has all of these markers and has reached a clear point of senseless slaughter where a continuation of the war equates to national suicide. It is time to say enough. Christians in particular, have a moral duty to not hide and avoid the political fray, but courageously wade in and denounce what is patent evil in our day.
For Ukraine, living to fight another day is not just a cliché. Unfortunately, if good sense divorced from emotion balanced by moral courage were common amongst leaders, millions of lives lost needlessly in wars could have been saved. No matter how difficult the fight, they all eventually come to an end. Prior to the conclusion of hostilities, there comes a point in the war where a tipping point has been reached where further prosecution of actions becomes futile. As the late Kenny Rogers taught us, there is a time to hold up, a time to fold up, and a time to run. As the offensive that never was fizzles into a vain and horrific waste of lives and material, any realistic hope of a Ukrainian breakthrough and victory against Russia has passed. Of course, I argued from the start that this was going to be the preordained outcome and thus, should be avoided. Sadly, it did not stop hundreds of thousands of lives being sacrificed to this Western scam before the sober reality of their defeat inescapably descended upon even the most vocal of NATO’s propagandists. Make no mistake, these deceivers have the blood of all parties on their hands. All but the most radical zealots can see this. Even the rats in leadership that sold out Ukraine to the sacrificial alter of the Globalist agenda know this, but they are too busy trying to save their own lives and ill-gotten fortunes with no regard for the people. These people are truly demonic in their secular lusts. They double down on failure in hopes of somehow saving themselves from accountability for the disaster and bloodshed they wrought. If good people of conscience don’t intervene, these rats will destroy whatever is left…and Ukraine still has much to save.
The war is over. Let that sink in. Nothing NATO can do now will change the ultimate outcome for the better. The longer this goes on, the more unnecessary death and destruction will occur for naught. The West has built and rebuilt the Ukrainian military at least three times now. Each time it has been completely destroyed by Russia. There is nothing now left to rebuild with and Ukraine is quickly running out of bodies to sacrifice to Baal. NATO has emptied its stockpiles of weapons. It simply does not possess the resources or industrial capacity to resupply the expended munitions and equipment in a manner that will catch up with Russia’s decisive advantage in this category prior to a complete collapse of organized resistance in the Ukraine. The West can print all of the increasingly worthless fiat currency it wants, but it cannot buy a victory, only the economic destruction of the West. We are already seeing this now. Germany’s economy is in recession, NATO is scraping up long obsolete weapons from the 1950s to try and plug the equipment shortfalls, and Ukraine’s air defenses have been nearly totally destroyed our sit idly in hiding out of missiles that aren’t coming or are in woefully short supply. As for their much vaunted “spring” offensive, after months of delays and excuses, it is clear it failed. Over 20% of the forces assembled to punch through Russian lines and cut off Crimea have been annihilated and broken trying to breach what amounts to just the first line of Russian defenses. Units that have lost 20% of their force strength are no longer combat effective and need to be pulled from the line and rebuilt. This is a staggering defeat of not just Ukraine, but specifically, NATO. NATO is the one that failed here as it certainly was not the courage or fight of the Ukrainians. NATO war planners and advisors orchestrated the battle, NATO equipment and weapons were primarily used in the battle, NATO intelligence and reconnaissance assets informed the battle, and therefore, it was NATO that was defeated in the battle. NATO has a lot of damage control to do now. Its failure against Russia and Russian equipment (produced at less cost and much greater numbers) destroys any residual narrative of Western military supremacy in weapons, technology, or tactics. As I have previously written, Putin is getting closer to his real objective in the Ukraine, the destruction of NATO. To be clear, Ukraine was beaten long ago. It is NATO that is left propping up the dead man so once NATO is removed, it ends.
Regarding equipment, the propagandists are telling the world that Ukraine will be provided Leopard I tanks and maybe US made M-60 tanks to backfill losses. These blood-soaked deceivers know full well they are preying on the ignorance of the public. If they were honest, they’d say this is a sick joke and why not also send flint lock muskets because they’d all be about as effective. The Leopard 1 and M-60 are from the 1950s and possess weak armor, underpowered guns, and incredibly obsolete technology. Sending anyone into battle against modern Russian military hardware is premeditated murder. If this is all NATO has left to send, it is over folks. To further highlight this fact, consider that even the most modern battle tanks NATO possessed were easily destroyed and turned into burning hunks of steel by cheaply produced drones, anti-tank guided missiles, mines, precision artillery, and airstrikes. I am aware no American Abrams tanks have been shown to have been destroyed yet, but after seeing them destroyed by insurgents in Iraq, I am 100% certain they’ll also meet the same fate. Again, even the best NATO equipment stood little chance and was pulled back from the front lines after only a week to try and preserve whatever equipment was left before it was all annihilated. The F-16 jets everyone has been talking about supplying also fall into this same category though they are not as obsolete and come with a pedigree as a superb fighter for its day. Despite the F-16 being a great aircraft when it entered service over 40 years ago, it is not survivable today on a modern battlefield. Russian air defense systems have proven to be some of the most, if not the most, potent in the world and as far as we know, they haven’t used their most advanced systems. The F-16 does not stand a chance against these air defense systems and that fact is exactly why the US military invested hundreds of billions in stealth technology in their latest generation aircraft. These jets will either be destroyed on the ground or shot down as soon as they enter Russia’s air defense bubble. Well, what about NATO provided air defense systems like the Patriot? These too have failed to make much of a difference. There is conflicting information, but it does appear that most, if not all, of these systems have been damaged or destroyed. If any are still operational, they are hoarding the few missiles remaining to protect the most critical installations in Ukraine. As for other, arguably less capable air defense systems, they too have been hunted to extinction. The proof of this gradual degradation and destruction of NATO air defense systems in Ukraine is the effectiveness of recent Russian missile and drone strikes as well as the admitted air superiority Russia has over the front line of battle. This fact has been repeatedly credited with why the Ukrainian offensive failed to achieve anything beyond amassing body bags and embarrassing testimonials of NATO equipment.
What am I missing?
· Ukraine has run out of fighting men. Videos of young teenagers being snatched off the street and women being used in propaganda as equally competent soldiers ready to fight is worse than the old men and kids hastily thrown into Wehrmacht uniforms to do little more than greet and surrender to the allied soldiers. Even the mercenaries have seen the light and are deserting in droves.
· Ukraine has run out of weapons and equipment. Just as anyone that takes and does not produce does, they burned through every round, missile, and tank provided with no sense of ownership, value, cost, or need to conserve. I’ve watched video after video of soldiers spraying an area with rounds as if they are playing a video game with unlimited ammunition. Ammunition is very finite so if soldiers don’t make their rounds count, they will soon run out. This is the case with Ukraine respective of all categories of equipment and weapons.
· Ukraine is also fast running out of other nations’ patience. NATO members have emptied their stockpiles of weapons to their own severe detriment and bankrupted their economies subsidizing the corrupt oligarchs and Nazis units. Germany, the economic engine of Europe, is in a full-blown recession and if they don’t get cheaper energy back online fast, their industry is gone. Entire governments have been brought down and civil unrest is at levels not seen since the French Revolution. For this sacrifice, the rat Zelensky only offers more demands and has shown no appreciation or respect to his benefactors.
· Russia is now taking the offensive, added hundreds of thousands of trained soldiers to its ranks, and has mobilized its industry for full war time production.
· Russia has led the world to de-dollarize, stabilized and strengthen the Ruble, and moved global commerce to the East leaving Europe the one isolated and economically bankrupt.
· Russia is led by (like him or hate him), a highly competent and intelligent leader while the US and therefore NATO, is led by a demonic braindead corrupt sexually deviant child molester that shakes hands with thin air, mumbles incoherently, gets lost on stages, forgets who is president, and defecates in his pants at global summits (hat tip to Clark Griswold’s epic meltdown in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation over his Christmas bonus). Does that about sum it up?
Wars are not new. Wars have been fought since the beginning driven by lust for wealth and power. Rarely if ever was a war fought for a genuine just cause. Inevitably, the business of killing taints those involved and leads to moral decay. It devalues human life and invites the worst of humanity to prosper and multiply. This won’t change and the war in Ukraine is no exception. However, we as people of good conscience have a moral obligation to stand with great fortitude against these evils of our time. Sadly, to date, I have seen good Christians corrupted into conflating patriotism with virtue. They blindly wave flags to virtue signal they are “good,” but fail to realize they are in fact supporting evil. I cannot speak for the rest of the world’s population, but as Christians, we must awaken from this great deception and see evil for what it is. We must not be tricked into seeing the war in Ukraine as morally just or the continued support of this war as justifiable. Our duty is to end the bloodshed, institute healing, and work to bring peace back to a region so damaged by the ravages of demonic Globalist machinations. Accountability for this atrocity needs to occur and justice must be served to those that championed this murderous policy of war. Your eyes do not deceive you. The war is lost, and it is time to demand a cessation to hostilities and negotiations to begin. Ukraine and the world would be far better served by some honesty, not false hopes and lies.
Till next time…