As we sit on the eve of what we have been promised will be a political revolution, I find myself pondering if this will be the dawn of a new era of revival for America or will we look back in four years at the smoldering ruins of what was the latest great empire to collapse? I don’t know and anyone that tells you they do, even the Don himself, doesn’t know. I am excited for the possibilities but think back to the first four years and then steady myself for disappointments. You see, this moment feels like the last seconds before Evel Knievel attempted to rocket across the Snake River Canyon…glory or disaster…and not even the late daredevil knew how this would end. So, now less than 24 hours from Donald Trump being sworn in again as President of the United States, our bets have been placed, and the cards will be revealed.
To begin, let’s talk about scene setters. Even now, the inauguration isn’t certain. Trump very narrowly missed being assassinated and others have tried since. The MK Ultra style Manchurians that were spurned into action by yet unknown actors are still at large. I find it important to remind people that the most credible intelligence, which pointed to Ukrainian hit teams in the US, was memory holed in order to continue sending your money to Ukraine where it was laundered and sent right back to the people that authorized the payments in Congress and the Executive. Kiev considers a Trump presidency an existential threat if he follows through to end the war. We can discuss the war later but suffice to say there are still very real threats against Donald Trump’s life. Being that at least two of the purported threats are from nation states, Ukraine and Iran, one must look at the very real possibility of a drone or drones being used to assassinate him. Despite having invested in counter-unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) tech, the US Secret Service (USSS) does not have a reliable or effective means of mitigating the threat. Worse, when faced with drones hardened to counter measures, similar to the ones we now see daily over the Ukraine and Russia, there is really no defense other than remaining indoors. Based on what I have heard and my own assessment, I think the drone threat, not the weather, was the driving force behind the decision to move Trump’s inauguration indoors almost completely. This was certainly prudent in my opinion and also significantly reduces the ability of any type of sniper to get an opportunity to take a shot. Still though, the motorcade must move him safely between venues creating a known means of intercept. And yes, for those wondering if the Beast, the name for the President’s armored limo, is vulnerable to drone strikes. Drones are taking out 70-ton main battle tanks with ease, so trust me, the limo is no match for tandem shaped charges. Make no mistake folks, these threats and others will continue to grow as his Administration gets underway. Despite the seeming moment of competency by Trump’s USSS detail to move him inside, I cannot in good conscience endorse his decision to select his detail’s agent-in-charge (AIC) to be his nominee for the next director of the USSS. That man is the single most responsible individual for Trump nearly being assassinated. It was a monumental failure and the result of more bad decisions than a night in Vegas. The USSS is not capable of internally fixing itself anymore than one of its offspring brought up in its culture. It requires someone without friends inside the USSS that can operate coldly without regard for hurting feelings that also knows high threat executive protection and senior management intimately to come in and clean house. Trump is making a major mistake selecting his AIC, mark my words. This could be one of the shortest Administrations in history if he gets this wrong.
Following this theme, the global security situation soon to be President Trump is inheriting couldn’t be more dangerous and volatile. The Ukraine War has brought us closer to WW3 than at any point since or perhaps even before the Cuban Missile Crisis. Russia is playing an existential blood sport for keeps and is showing no signs of letting up. Russia’s offensive is gathering inertia as the defeats for Ukraine compound and accelerate. Russia continues to steamroll west as Ukrainian forces are in retreat fighting a suicidal delaying action to buy time in hopes of military intervention from NATO. Kiev is desperate and NATO is desperate. Anything right now is possible, and both Ukraine and NATO have pulled every stunt they could to try and goad Putin into taking emotional retaliatory actions that could be used to justify NATO entering the war. Putin has been almost inhumanely stoic in his singular focus to endure all punches thrown to keep the war within Ukraine’s borders. I assess this as a very calculated policy to ensure favorable conditions for achieving a negotiated end to the war after Trump takes office. Putin has been very careful to not do anything he “can’t take back” that would place Trump in a position where options to de-escalate the conflict were removed from his control. However, once in office, if Trump succumbs to Deep State intrigue and attempts to increase aid to Ukraine, back NATO peacekeepers and/or no fly zones, or basically anything that prolongs the war, there really isn’t much left to hold back a full Russian onslaught to decisively finish the war. If Trump’s ego begins to dictate and he decides he’s going to tell Russia what to do, he’s going to be sent home with two black eyes, a bloody nose, and missing a couple teeth and that will be the warning. Trump’s team still appears in denial about the actual ground truth in Ukraine. There is massive cognitive dissonance amongst Western elites blinded by their own hubris, which prevents them from coming to grips with the reality Ukraine is defeated, NATO is humiliated, and the EU has been permanently fractured. The collateral fallout of this is only now beginning to settle and much more is on its way as governments across Europe collapse, social unrest escalates, and nations move back toward nationalism and independence from the unelected political class of Globalists in Brussels. In short, Trump must understand that to end the war, he must accept Russia’s terms. Anything short will lead to a very dangerous escalation.
Unfortunately, Ukraine isn’t the only hotspot. Israel has seized large portions of Syria, subdued Hezbollah, and ethnically cleansed Gaza. They are now shifting gears to create the conditions to seize the West Bank and initiate major war with Iran. President Trump will have to buck the massive pressure of his Jewish donors and their control of our Congress to prevent this escalation in the Middle East. I believe Trump believes he can bring peace, but I am far from convinced he will not be cornered and forced into war. I don’t think Trump truly appreciates the fact that Israel is not his friend and will do anything to achieve their desired ends. To that point, as I have written, I believe they were instrumental in removing Biden and letting Kamala fall on her sword to enable Trump to win. I see a direct line from Biden withholding bombs for Israel to Israel declaring him an existential threat to Biden being setup and removed by a palace coup after the debate to placing the worst possible candidate as opposition to Trump to minimizing anti-Trump chaos to even allowing some free speech and a relatively open and fair election. The election was rigged by it not being rigged. Israeli influence and Jewish money poured into Trump’s campaign after that fateful decision by Biden to try and minimize the slaughter in Gaza. The order was given to teach the Democrats a lesson by providing the decisive backing to enable Trump to cleanly win the election…all in exchange for control of his foreign policy and key appointments. I truly hope Trump just does what he has always done to investors and keeps their money as they learn their investment was a scam. I hope Trump just used them to take power and will now forge his own path of peace in the Middle East. However, if Israel realizes that it has been the one played, it will stop at nothing to remove Trump…and I mean nothing. Israel is a diabolical paranoid nation that cannot be trusted and will not hesitate to kill Americans, stage false flags, or even eliminate Trump if it thinks it is necessary to protect their interests. Israel is going to make another case that Iran is a nuclear threat and must be stopped. For roughly the last 40 years, Israel has been crying wolf about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program. However, recently, that may have all changed. Israel has so aggressively threatened Iran, Iran’s only realistic option to gain control of the escalatory ladder and effectively defend itself will be to acquire a potent nuclear weapons arsenal. If Iran hasn’t shifted policy to acquire and ready such weapons, it is stupid, and I predict the Iranian government will be toppled before Trump leaves office. If true, this will have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Please understand that Trump may indeed believe he can get a peace deal with Iran, but Israel will never accept it and sabotage it. Israel will provoke a fight overtly or covertly with Iran and it will do everything it can to suck the US into that conflict. If Trump is not strong enough to resist this and allows the US to enter a war against Iran, Middle East oil will be knocked offline. Everyone will pay the price, and this will almost certainly trigger a global economic collapse as oil prices skyrocket. Putin may find this profitable, but the rest of the world will suffer, and Trump will be remembered as the ignorant stooge of Israel that squandered America’s last best hope of recovery.
Then there is China and North Korea. Asia experts will have to pardon me lumping the two together. Yes, I know they are not the same and each have specific policy. I only put them in the same basket from a geographical sense and brevity. Trump has established rapport with North Korea, but a lot has changed in four years. North Korea has acquired technology from Russia that simply wasn’t possible before we forced Russia into the war with Ukraine. This has emboldened North Korea and weakened our negotiating leverage. It may sound like heresy to write, but I think that once North Korea was allowed to develop a nuclear weapon under Obama’s reign of terror, the cause was lost. The costs are just too high. It’s time for Trump to officially end the Korean conflict, recognize North Korea and get on with life. We no longer can pretend a war on the peninsula is survivable for South Korea. The only option is normalization. Then there is China. China has been the winner out of all of these conflicts we have created around the world. While we have over extended, China has taken good notes, banked cash, solidified international treaties and trade deals, and massively upgraded its military. Like with South Korea, there are really no viable military options to protect and save Taiwan. The hard truth is the US can no longer project sufficient force to develop and sustain a qualitative advantage over China. Despite making a hellscape for China should it invade, I believe the most likely scenario is China simply waits for the US to implode with a little nudging and then peacefully acquires Taiwan. However, Trump is about to engage in a massive trade war that includes sanctions and tariffs. Most of these are going to directly negatively effect China. China cannot and will not stand idly buy as its economy is wrecked for a whole host of reasons. That said, I do expect tariffs on Chinese goods and a full-blown trade war to break out. Personally, I have fortified myself for the this and believe it is a necessary sacrifice the nation must make to force reshoring of American industry and to correct are massively distorted trade imbalance. For the foreseeable future though, that means higher costs of goods and stock market turmoil. I’m not an investment advisor, so will just say you need to seriously consider the impact of a prolonged trade war with China on your portfolio. Further, trade wars have an ugly habit of escalating into real wars. If the US overshoots and increases the pain dial to the point where China fears internal instability or party collapse, the peaceful seizure of Taiwan becomes a full-blown military operation. In the event China’s military moves on Taiwan, I do not think we will have time to react in a meaningful way. In fact, rather than putting up a determined dogged defense, I see Taiwan as much more likely to simply acquiesce and tell the US to stand down. Shots will be fired, but if taken by surprise, Taiwan will still be reacting as if this is just another Chinese drill as what amounts to our undersea minefield in the Straits of Taiwan are breached, PLA troops pour onto shore, missile barrages neutralize coastal defenses, and government facilities are taken out paralyzing the island. Out of the chaos will Taiwanese leaders under the control of Beijing begin broadcasts announcing reunification and that will be the end of it. Depending on how far Trump is willing to take his trade war, this very well may be the Chinese response. It’s important to point out here that this would be the best-case scenario for a Chinese seizure of Taiwan. The worst scenario is if the US actually called China’s bluff and directly engaged in war with the Chinese on their home turf. We’d inflict some initial heavy damage on China, but we’d rapidly run out of ammo, be overwhelmed, and wiped out. Short of the use of nuclear weapons, the US would face a decisive military defeat, and everyone knows it right now…and that’s exactly why I believe if China makes its move, we will see about as much resistance as Assad’s army put up against the ISIS coup in Syria. Nonetheless, this is an extremely dangerous and high-risk political situation. Any miscalculation could lead to what amounts to an Asian version of WW3.
Domestically, we are about to declare war on the cartels and illegal invaders. Globalists have forced this on us for so long, that the problem is massive and not easy to fix. There are so many illegal non-native Americans here now, they actually form sizeable population blocks that can cause real social chaos if organized and directed. Further, the cartels must be dealt with. In the past, deals were reached, but whatever was agreed to isn’t working. Going after the cartels will turn the southern border into an actual war zone. This war needs to be fought and won, but it won’t be bloodless. People are going to die, leaders will be targeted, cops will be hunted, people will be gunned down on the streets. We can win this though and the first step is to declare a national emergency and militarize the border. The border must be sealed, but not with a wall. It must be sealed with armed men authorized to interdict and arrest, as well as shoot. Anyone attempting to enter the US illegally should be deemed a hostile threat and dealt with accordingly. Once the border is secure, the fight must be on our soil to eradicate gang and cartel members and their sources of revenue. Simultaneously, an irregular warfare campaign against the cartels must be carried out using the full spectrum of American capabilities. The Mexican government will not like this, but they cannot control entire regions of their own country effectively making them a failed state in those areas. As such, the US has the right to intervene for our own national security in order to pacify and stabilize those areas. If necessary, those areas will need to be placed under military administration until such a time the Mexican government can re-establish proper governance and control of the regions. This war plan should include an extensive target list to be liquidated within the first 100 days as well as a long-term multiyear plan to eradicate cartel influences from these regions, which will require a much larger conventional military footprint. Mexico can still be left to the Mexicans, but they should be on notice that should cartels dare to take their operations across our border, they will face the full force of the US military.
Finally, I want to discuss the economy and financial health of the US. Trump is inheriting a dumpster fire that has been papered over for years. In fact, Trump is partially responsible for this. You can’t just shut down the economy, tell people they don’t have to pay rent, and then hand out trillions of dollars and pretend you aren’t responsible for massively expanding our debt and creating inflation. Despite Trump’s intent to bring in more revenue via tariffs and reshore American industry, which I generally support, I am very skeptical it will be enough. Mathematically, we could theoretically dig ourselves out of the debt we are in, but it would require people making very tough sacrifices, scaling our government back massively, and most difficult, taking real measures to correct the runaway costs of our entitlements spending. Look folks, Social Security is going to be insolvent in just 2-3 years assuming nothing changes. Medicaid and Medicare aren’t any better and are unsustainable. If I had to guess, I’d say no politician right now is willing to make the hard decisions necessary to properly wind these programs down and end them. Unfortunately, that isn’t going to make the problem go away. I’m sorry, I was screwed by it too, but entitlements spending has to be dealt with and that means one way or another, you are going to be robbed, and you will never see that money again. On one hand, if nothing is done and the programs are continued, the government will have to create massive new amounts of debt, which will debase our currency and cause persistent high and potentially hyperinflation. You may “keep” your benefits, but you won’t be able to buy anything with the money provided rendering your “benefits” useless. On the other hand, if the government grows a spine and levels with the public that the programs are unsustainable, phases them out, and maybe offers some token benefits like exempting those that paid in from any taxes on their current retirements saving, all hell will break lose. You have tens of millions of Americans that quite literally live off of their Social Security benefits (barely) and the only health coverage they get is through Medicaid or Medicare. There isn’t a good answer to this folks other than to remind everyone that this is exactly why the government should never have gotten into this business in the first place. The people that will be hurt the most by this will be anyone on a fixed income, pension, or retirement. The poor stay poor, but the middle class will really get hammered because they actually paid into the system. However, even if you do lose most or all of your investment in the programs, there is still time for many of you to move money to insulate yourself. Do not rely on any type of fixed income pension or stock portfolio. Inflation caused by excessive debt creating (dollar debasement) will diminish your spending power so much you may not be able to even get a coffee. You need to consider moving a substantial amount of your savings to hard assets that will adjust in price relative to inflation like real property. Real estate, equipment, machinery, and businesses historically are the best bets. Businesses can just raise their prices and things like real estate just “go up” in relative value. Also, if you have fixed interest loans, you can pay them off much cheaper in hyper inflationary times. That said, Trump is going to face these crises during his term and may very well catch all the blame for their failures. If I was VP Vance and considering a run for president after Trump completes his term, I’d be working very hard to distance myself from these financial albatrosses and planning on how I was going to manage them. Again, these are financial certainties.
In summary, I hate to toss cold water on tomorrow’s celebrations. I am cautiously hopeful. We have been lied to and let down, well, pretty much every time by our government and politicians. To believe this time is really different, would be naïve. Until the Government proves otherwise, a persistent healthy distrust is warranted. From what we are hearing there are indeed many great things that are going to start happening and many of us already feel the weight of tyranny being lifted. Don’t be deceived though. The war is not over. The enemy will counterattack viciously. You need to be on guard and ready for this when it comes because the traps are already being laid. Sooner or later, this will materialize, so put down the champagne and get to work. There is a war to be fought!
Cheers and best of luck to America’s new President!