NATO’s Gift of the Slavic Genocide
geno·cide ˈje-nə-ˌsīd
: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
In wars of attrition that are fought to their bloody end, there comes a point where one side has sustained such horrific losses it cannot sustain combat operations and is forced to surrender. Most conventional thinking generally defines war as a violent extension of politics, but when you fight wars of annihilation, a surrender is anything but political. A surrender represents the total exhaustion of a nation and its people and resources and is something far darker than mere politics. Further, the political entity that forced the conflict on, long after it was clear the war was lost, are dead or in hiding so this negates the political nature of these type wars, at least in their conclusion. Nazi Germany under Hitler’s rule could represent a fair analogy of this. World War II was lost for Germany long before the last German died, and Hitler blew his brains out in a bunker under Berlin. The German people were not just beaten, but had suffered such heavy casualties, the people and their culture were nearly destroyed. Interestingly, the losses were so high, this would have to be seen as genocide if it wasn’t for the fact the duration of the war was self-imposed on Germany by their leader. Considering this, how would the equation change if Hitler was bought off and Germany was forced to fight on for outside interests to the last German? Would forcing a nation to sacrifice a huge percentage of its adult male population for one’s own special interests not meet the definition of genocide? Would this not be just as morally wrong and criminal?
The comparison I am making here should be clear. Ukraine, despite “its” war against Russia, is nothing more than a very sacrificial pawn in NATO’s proxy war against Russia. The war has gone on far too long and has passed any point of hope in a Ukrainian victory. I’d argue there never was any path for Ukraine to victory over Russia a sane and moral person would consider, but that bridge was crossed when Ukraine tolerated the rat Zelensky taking power. So, let’s just look at the current situation. After four months of Ukraine’s much vaunted offensive, over 60,000 good Ukrainians lay dead, some small villages and a city are obliterated, and virtually nothing has changed respective of the territory controlled. Further, Ukraine has lost by some estimates, over a half million since the war began. The losses have become so acute, Ukraine is now being forced to recruit women and conscript old men and teenagers. Even more telling in a corrupt nation like Ukraine is the fact the rat Zelensky has had to sack his own commanders and leaders in charge of recruitment for taking bribes just so they could conscript the men that had bought their way out of the draft still partying it up in Kiev. Oh, how the elites always have no shame. Russian casualties are harder to estimate but must also be counted in the tens if not hundreds of thousands as well. Mercenary numbers are unknown, but Poles and other volunteers from Slavic nations provided tens of thousands of fighters forming the bulk of Ukraine’s foreign legion as well as their casualties. Added together, we are looking at a number approaching one million good Slavic men of childbearing age that have been systematically and very deliberately exterminated in the largest genocide of the 21st century. This fratricidal conflict, if organic, would still be horrific, but the fact it has been engineered and forced from Brussels, London, and Washington without regard for the utterly devastating human toll is a war crime if the term is to have any meaning at all. The crimes are so egregious, the pro-Establishment (Prostab) elites make jokes about fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. This flippant and callous disregard for the Slavs of all nationalities is a true testament to the contempt Ukraine’s globalist handlers actually have for them. If this wasn’t a sane reason to rise up and overthrow those demonic leaders, none exists.
On this point I want to digress and take a more macro look at this phenomenon. When a specific racial or ethnic group is being targeted and getting slaughtered, we have a term for it…genocide. This term has often been used interchangeably with the term ethnic cleansing, but the point is basically the same. A specific group of people are being targeted for extermination. In the West, there is an air of moral superiority when it comes to its self-ascribed power to dictate what is and isn’t a war crime, genocide, or political persecution. Reviewing how this label is applied should quickly convince the researcher of both the hypocrisy of the West and the arbitrary nature of how and when such labels apply. Specifically, when it suits the political policies of the West, untold millions can suffer and die and it is called things like democratization, but when adversaries conduct themselves in similarly evil ways, then it is always murder, genocide, war crimes, etc. Let me say upfront that I am not trying to assign moral equivalency to various mass murders. I see them all as evil and demonically motivated, but there is clearly a huge amount of hypocrisy in what amounts to the propaganda spewing from Western news propaganda outlets. Rwandans butcher each other with machetes and it is called genocide, but when black South Africans hunt down and rape, torture, and then murder white South African farmers and steal their property it is social justice. When Sadam Hussein attacks and kills Kurds it is genocide, but when the US launches an illegal war using lies and then kills hundreds of thousands of all types of Iraqis and hangs it leader that is bringing democracy. Sometimes it is a bit softer. We scold Russia and Iran for locking up dissidents, but the media celebrates the FBI’s military style raids designed to terrorize the population into submission and arrests of political dissidents that supported Trump. Then they pretend the staged sham trials issuing out absurdly cruel and unjust penalties to their political opposition is justice at work. That of course isn’t political persecution we are told, but the Soviet gulags…now that was persecution. Gitmo is fine. Gulags are bad. I would be remiss if I didn’t also mention Germany with an eye to its history. Germany claims to be anti-war and a champion of human rights but is sending tanks and weapons to kill Slavs all over again and no one seems to clue in on this glaring hypocrisy. Sadly, I could write an entire book about the horrific abuses of innocent people at the hands of power-hungry elites bent on total control. None of it is okay and there is always a price to be paid in this life and the next.
As always, I want to address my naysayers. I am guessing you’ll point out that there are still plenty of Slavs left in the world, so this isn’t genocide. This is true, but in no way diminishes the severity of the atrocity currently playing out and you don’t need to kill every last Slav for it to be a genocide. Wars disproportionately kill the ablest of society. Fighting aged men equate to fathers and your core workforce and Ukraine has been hollowed out. Worse, Ukraine pushed by NATO has taken the shocking step of also enlisting its women into combat roles. This creates a situation without modern precedent where both the ablest of childbearing aged men and women are being exterminated on the front lines of a major conflict. A nation short of men can recover in time, but a nation depleted of its women dies forever. This maxim has been known since the earliest tribal conflicts thousands of years ago and is exactly why women were generally excluded from combat roles during times of war. Nonetheless, this historic wisdom has gone completely ignored. In its place, a suicidal illogic has been championed by the sick propagandists cheerleading this genocide. Prior to the war, Ukraine already suffered from the lowest birth rate in Europe, which had turned negative years ago. In plain language this meant Ukraine was already dying as a nation and a people. Taking this existing bad situation and adding the additional loss of mothers or potential mothers is nothing short of catastrophic. The genocide inflicted upon the good people of Ukraine and the greater Slavic populations will create generational scars from the trauma of this war. How many children will not just lose a father or mother, but will be orphaned? These forgotten casualties face a high risk of being trafficked and are far more likely to become neglected. This leads to widespread societal problems such as higher crime rates and tends to run in generational cycles meaning it will affect their children’s children and beyond. In addition, the loss of intellectual potential and unrealized labor will handicap a nation’s economic potential leading to greater poverty, suffering, and exploitation. Compounding all of this is the global refugee population that emigrated out of Ukraine when the war began creating a population vacuum in the country. Finally, there is a loss of culture. Slavic peoples have a deeply rooted culture that includes a consistent Orthodox Catholic baseline. The destruction of the older generations prevents this ethnic identity from being passed on to future generations, which again, leaves the young lost and confused.
Folks, we all should care about this. Those that are supporting this war have much blood on their hands. In fact, they seem to be oblivious they are swimming in blood and literally subsidizing a massive genocide. Not only is this criminal, but it is immoral. Even the Ukrainians themselves, those that will suffer the most from this grand deception, seem to be blind to the catastrophic destruction occurring to their nation, people, and culture. I understand why a Ukrainian would be motivated to defend his homeland against an invader, but I have to ask what is the point of fighting if the act ultimately results in the total destruction of what you believed you were fighting for. My intent here isn’t to debate or convince the volunteers and conscripts in Ukraine’s military to wake up and realize they are being used and have been lied to. I’m simply trying to help everyone see that despite whatever you were told and believe about the purpose of the war, it is ultimately a pyrrhic struggle. Ukraine will not be saved or emerge victorious from this war. Ukraine will be destroyed by it…and then still lose. This is why from the very start I adamantly was against it and urged my Ukrainian friends and supporters to honor the Minsk agreement or simply just write-off Eastern Ukraine and save everyone the death and suffering. I do pray all parties somehow find it in themselves to unite against the Prostabs in Washington and Brussels and see the conflict through the lens of a greater Slavic people. You have two choices. You either inflict massive death and suffering upon your own peoples so the elites can profit, or you throw off the yoke of the manipulators and put your egos and outright hatred aside, embrace your common Christian virtues, and live in peace even if imperfect.
In conclusion, I want to end with a warning to the West. “We” collectively, whether we support the war or not, will not enjoy immunity from the consequences of this war. This war is not going to just go quietly away and can then be forgotten like Afghanistan. This war will metastasize across the globe. At first, we will see its effects at home economically and financially. We will continue to see higher levels of inflation, de-dollarization, new trade routes to the East, growing unemployment, and a deepening economic downturn. Shortages will persist and, in some cases, get worse. Next, as we are seeing now, it will take on a proxy nature and begin to erode American and European interests and security abroad. Military bases will pop up in Cuba and Central America, coups will expel Western nations from once friendly countries like in Niger and Gabon, growing resistance in Syria will lead to heightened tensions and losses of US military personnel, and weapons proliferation will create greater military threats from nations like North Korea and Iran. This is the last offramp from catastrophe and that still probably looks like Ukraine being ditched and a war with Iran ignited, which will still have disastrous consequences. If not, and the war is pressed, we’ll cross in a blink into the darkest phase before anyone realizes we passed the point of no return. This last phase is what’s next and that is a hot war with Russia or what we call WWIII. NATO is already conventionally depleted and incapable of fighting a prolonged war of attrition against Russia but will brazenly commit the lives of millions to the slaughter. This war will spread and eventually include theaters in the Middle East and Asia where the US will be spread thin, overextended, and ultimately decimated. The homeland will not escape the damage and we will see infrastructure and cities destroyed even if the war remains conventional. However, the war, once unleashed, stands a very high chance of going nuclear. In that event, what began as a self-righteous virtue signaling campaign of displaying blue and gold flags will end in a holocaust of unprecedented proportions. There will be no points for, “I told you so.” It will be too late. Your actions matter and have consequences. This isn’t a game. The stakes and consequences are far too serious for memes and will not be kind to apathetic morons that “don’t care” about politics. End the Slavic Genocide now and hold the war criminals accountable before they get us all killed.
Till next time.