Observations on the Canadian Wildfires and the Futility of Governments:
Despite the Policies, Laws, and Dangerous Attempts at Climate Modification, Nature Finds a Way
Believe it or not, historically, most of my letters have not been about Ukraine. In the spirit of not becoming overly fixated on any one story, I wanted to deviate today and discuss a few thoughts I have regarding the Canadian wildfires, smart conservation, and the war on wood burning.
Weeks before the normies on the East Coast began to panic about orange skies and air quality over New York, I was hiking some great trails in Colorado commenting to friends about how bad the smoke had become. From the Front Range (Boulder area), Denver’s skyline is easily seen, but the city had vanished in an eerie gray-orange smog. Denver was obscured from view right up to just a few miles from the city and then only appeared as a ghostly gray shadow vice the typically sharp contrast against clear blue skies. Though noteworthy, the western half of the US is well acquainted with the regular occurrence of massive forest fires, so I wasn’t surprised when I told my friends on the East Coast, and they mostly shrugged. Interestingly, it wasn’t until DC and New York were obscured by the same smoke (albeit not as bad) that they suddenly cared despite this phenomenon occurring all across North America for the last two months from these same fires. This got me to thinking about how such a massive event can go unnoticed and ignored simply because it wasn’t reported on, and the elites weren’t suffering. Then came the weaponization of the narrative and lies used as propaganda to push a false narrative of climate change. On this point is where we can learn a few things.
My first observation is that despite stupid policies that are enforced with a draconian bent, nature always finds a way. As a testament to the perennial hubris of Man, his machinations to bend nature to his will and play God always backfires and fails. Here are a few examples. Remember how the Army Corps of Engineers built levies along the Mississippi? The negative results have been many. The velocity of the river has increased, which creates greater erosion and worse flooding in the areas where the levies break. Further, it has ruined the fertility of millions and millions of acres of some of the best farmland in the world. Without floods that deposited silt filled with nutrients, the soil has become sterile and unproductive, and the silt now piles up in the Mississippi Delta. Don’t remember the levies? Well, do you remember when the government dammed the Colorado River and started piping off the water to quench the thirst of mega-cities and giant farms built in the middle of deserts? While they deliberately drained the desert’s most precious resource at an industrial scale, they simultaneously acted surprised that the primary water source for the desert Southwest is running dry and blamed climate change. These liars will literally stand on a giant dam created to provide water and power for massive cities that the land would never have supported and look you straight in the face and say this is due to climate change. Not only do their policies backfire to cause far greater disasters, they then gaslight and censor you if you point out the truth. These environmental disasters were not the effects of climate change, but the government.
This is what we get when we let bureaucrats manage things like the climate and environment despite a “simple” farmer easily being able to explain well in advance the damage these policies would ultimately cause. Nonetheless, we now are willingly handing the keys to these same moronic ideologues to “save us” from the fake “climate emergency” they created through media propaganda, lies, fear, and bad policy. Since they got the small and the easy stuff horribly wrong, only a fool would put faith in those same morons not making a bigger mess given far more power to shut down economies, lock people at home, ban the necessary means to travel, cook your food, and heat your home, and engage in extremely dangerous weather modification experiments. Folks, this is obvious. We are being led by the blind right off a cliff. This is a death cult that wants you to stop farming and growing food to save what? Not your life. They want you to eat bugs, starve, and die off and they have repeatedly and openly said so. No need for conspiracies. It is not even about the Earth; it is about them, and it always has been. Rather than killing you off like in days of old, the elites now have found a way to convince you to kill yourself by torturing people mentally into believing they are the ones destroying the planet. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t cause a meltdown at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, or poison large tracks of lush rainforest with Agent Orange, or detonate 1000s of atomic bombs in tests all over the globe, or spill millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, or even build a coal fired power plant. Nope, those were all done by governments and people with far more wealth and power than I could dream of yet. I find it rich that the people most responsible for environmental destruction are both the people that tell you how they are going to fix it and tell you that you are the problem and must suffer and die to fix it. It is a scam. Our elites are literally convincing us to commit suicide to save something that is neither in danger nor in need of saving so they can get wealthier and more powerful and the sheeple are dumb enough to buy it.
Let’s look at the fires. “Climate change!” they scream. This nefarious omnipresent monster that no one can see is always the nemesis behind all ills…it is what lit the fires. You’d think that some tangible creature named Climate Change is literally out there with matches lighting fires from the hysteria filled media propaganda. You would have to dig to find out that over half of the fires were human caused and of the rest, about a quarter are lightning and the other quarter is unknown. Nowhere is there a category for said climate change. My question then is how a guy leaving a campfire unattended relates to climate change. Their answer is that things are so much hotter, which is patently ridiculous. Notably, they forget that would mean the Amazon Rain Forest, which is of course far hotter than any part of Canada, should have been incinerated long ago. It hasn’t of course because warmer climate almost always equals wetter at the macro level. Cold and dry (water frozen in glaciers), warm and wet (liquid water). That’s the way big climate change impacts work globally. Further, people are just dumber today. I’ve camped all over tinder dry areas that would combust with a small spark my entire life, but no one blamed climate change when a motorist flicked out a cigarette butt and burned an entire state worth of forest. When that happened, it was properly blamed on arsonists and littering. I don’t speak from a position of ignorance on this either. I have seen many forest fires and even battled them. I also manage almost 1,000 acres of forested land so take a keen interest in fire mitigation strategies that actually work.
Historically, nature took care of this all by itself. Forest fires would naturally begin with lightning strikes and the fire would burn until there wasn’t anything to burn. This would then immunize the land from the destructive effects of a very hot forest fire because there was never enough to burn to cause much damage. Further, the burning would cause an explosion of new green growth and clean up the dry and combustible litter on the forest floor while also converting the dead organic matter to things like potash that new plants thrive on. It would also knock down populations of pests such as ticks and rodents that lived in this underbrush. This was healthy and good. We have since learned this and conservationists regularly conduct controlled burns. Like in Europe, there is also good sense to cleaning up the dry dead wood and underbrush. This prevents forest fires, enables access for fire crews should one begin, and provides an ample renewable source of firewood for heating and cooking.
This brings me to the point of the government’s crusade against wood burning anything. Wood burning predates history. If we made it this far burning wood, there are probably some benefits to keeping the option open. Wood is cheap, readily available, and renewable. It heats our homes, cooks our meals, and can even brighten a dark night. The smell of wood smoke on the crisp fall air is also something of a pleasure. Further, allowing people to burn wood helps promote forest management and prevent forest fires. It also provides rural, low income, and those completely reliant on utilities to not freeze to death in the winter and cook their food when the lights go out. As an added point, any argument that the smoke generated ruins air quality can be completely dismissed by having a look out your door if you are anywhere in the Mid-Atlantic region today. There is no realistic comparison between the smoke generated by the small bit of wood homes would burn as an alternative fuel source for heating or cooking, especially in an emergency, or for a romantic fire and the smoke and ash generated by the millions of acres being consumed annually from natural fires. Interestingly, recent studies about nuclear war and a nuclear winter have walked away from the idea that ash from nuclear detonations would cause any long-term cooling. In fact, they have found natural forest fires annually generate far more ash and smoke than would be produced in a nuclear exchange. Think about the scale of that for a moment.
This common sense hasn’t stopped the death cult of climate change banning wood stoves. Now they are after gas stoves and even generators. If you haven’t guessed by now, this does nothing to help cool the Earth. What it does do is remove your ability to live freely and independently without the government. This is all about control. Seriously, look at the breakdown of energy sources in the US. Over 60% of our energy still comes from fossil fuels with the next biggest being nuclear. There is talk that renewables just surpassed coal or nuclear in energy production, but this again is a white lie and requires some serious omissions. Specifically, they forget to mention that without those fossil fuels and nuclear power, which can be ramped up to say 70-80+% of our production when needed, the grid would repeatedly collapse during periods of peak demand. This alone would cause thousands of deaths and would collapse our economy leading to even more deaths from things like depression, addictions, and poor healthcare. They also forget to mention those renewables are coming at a much greater cost per kilowatt hour of power crippling industry and the poor, their construction uses a ton of non-renewable energy, they are not scalable, they are not reactive to swings in demand, and they have a higher carbon footprint and cause more environmental destruction to extract than fossil fuels when the full lifecycle is calculated. As such, from a pure efficiency standpoint, you are massively better off from both an environmental and an energy efficiency perspective simply piping gas to your stove, burning wood, or fueling a generator on site than you will ever will be creating expensive alternative energy, stepping up that power to shoot it through the grid, then stepping it way down with a massive heat loss (loss of energy) so that it can go into residential homes, and then stepping it way up again in a resistance based heat coil of an electric oven or toaster. Remember, just a few years ago, electric stoves and toasters were widely known to be energy pigs, inefficient, and “wastes” of power, but through a consistent campaign of mental torture, they have begun to convince the sheeple that electrifying everything is the only way to save humanity. Perhaps, if people are this stupid, they deserve to be thinned. I don’t know, what do you think?
The last item is to address the calls for direct weather modification. These radical actions include cloud seeding and spraying chemicals to reflect the sunlight and cool the earth. No one knows the long-term effects of any large-scale program, but what we do know is that the chemicals being sprayed are not good for anyone and when they come back down to earth, they poison the ground and the water. So, before we even discuss how potentially catastrophic altering Earth’s weather and temperature could be, it’s safe to say the whole idea is already fatally flawed…literally and figuratively. Even more disturbing, diabolical evil men like Bill Gates are apparently already conducting these operations without any authority or oversight. Who in the hell gave Bill Gates the permission to unilaterally screw with Earth’s climate? If this isn’t a crime against humanity, there is none. These madmen must be stopped before they make good on their population reduction goals and kill us all.
In summary, let the fires burn out. It is nature healing itself. If governments got out of the way of good forest management, this wouldn’t even be a problem. “Science” has been hijacked by partisan political agendas and their money. We do have good solutions to conserve and manage our resources while also improving the Earth and the quality of life for billions of people, but they’ll never let you know it. Monsanto, Democrats, and the World Economic Forum are not your friends and are not going to help you or solve the problems they created. They are the problem. If you want to save humanity AND the Earth, what is needed is an end to the climate change hysteria, boot the elite bankrolled bureaucrats, and the return to some common sense and real science.
Till next time…