October 26th Evening Middle East War Update
Is It Time to Remind the World Iran has Weapons of Mass Destruction
It’s safe to say that nothing has quieted down across the Middle East and things continue to deteriorate. A key harbinger of things escalating toward a broader conflict across the Middle East has been a complete breakdown in civil diplomatic dialogue. Earlier today, the Israeli Ambassador appeared to be escorted from the meeting room at the United Nations after tempers flared. This was just one of the highlights from days of heated exchanges that included a superb smackdown of Israel from Russia’s ambassador, the Iranians warning in very plain language the killing in Gaza must stop or it was going to cause other nations to intervene, and lots of threats and denunciations. It’s at this point of diplomatic impasse that positions harden, and war becomes the ultimate outcome.
I’d hoped we wouldn’t have reached this stage, but as I have extensively written, the stage was so intentionally set, one would have to conclude that a major war is both intended and inevitable. The Hamas attack, which to date, I now consider a type of false flag by omission until proven otherwise, only served as the catalyst to light the fuse on a powder keg that has been piled high by the US. This war has been in the making for decades, not years. In fact, it has been so well telescoped, most people have long since tired on the repeated warnings as if a boy was crying wolf. Unfortunately, the boy wasn’t lying. He was just seeing a lot of wolves. Now the wolves are about to attack, and no one is paying attention. The public has been lulled into a sense of complacency. Most care so little, they have never even heard of Gaza or Hezbollah. The majority of the remainder are so brainwashed and deceived they have become willing cheerleaders for genocide…despite believing they are doing God’s work. Somewhere in the middle are the profiteers ready to swoop in on this war like vultures for political and financial gain. That leaves a very small remnant of dissenters…the very few that have a true appreciation of the gravity of the situation and the consequences. For those brave few with functioning brains, I want to provide you with another tidbit you can use to shake the masses out of their complacency and desire for war.
As my subtitle suggests, in the race to war with Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and the world, our leaders have conveniently forgotten to identify the risks and dire consequences of what such a war would look like. They fail to mention Iran has had significant biological and chemical weapons technologies for close to 40 years. I’d think that would be something the public should know when considering the costs of a conflict with Iran. However, the pro-establishment (Prostab) elites seem content to fan the flames of outrage to generate a fervor amongst the public for revenge and attacks against Iran. This same type of mass hysteria and information warfare was employed in the run up to the disastrous and illegal war in Iraq. Those of us alive to remember can tell you that all dissent was shut down. To question the “WMD” narrative was akin to social and political suicide. Strawmen were erected everywhere overnight that created such absurd notions that if you aren’t for war, you love terrorists that kill babies. If you don’t support Israel’s genocide in Gaza, you are anti-Semitic. Does this ring familiar? It should. This is classic propaganda and the sheeple fall for it every time. However, this time is different. The sheeple think this will be another invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan and we can go about our lives as normal while the military whips up on some poorly equipped half-retarded insurgents. Make no mistake, this war will touch us at home. There will not be a war the home front can ignore.
To get more specific, look at the statements from Israel’s leaders. They blatantly call non-Jews animals that must be exterminated. When referring to Iran, American leadership like Senator Graham isn’t much better and love to jump on the bandwagon calling for Iran to be wiped out. Again though, none of these leaders mention what capabilities Iran has and might use if it was faced with such a situation. Specifically, when faced with an existential threat to its existence, Israel is quick to let everyone know it would use its undeclared nuclear weapons. People seem to be okay with this but fail to turn the game board around and consider this from the perspective of say Iran. If Israel used nuclear weapons or threated Iran’s existence, does anyone really think Iran wouldn’t use every weapon in its arsenal? I do. As such, let’s look at what that could include. Should we push Iran to the brink, they have missiles that can reach as far as Europe, which can disperse both chemical and biological weapons. Despite the overt hubris and racism towards the Persian people, they have advanced pharmaceutical, chemical, and biotech industries. This enables Iran to produce biological weapons and all types of chemical agents to include nerve, blood, blister, and choking agents. It’s worth noting here that in the case of both biological and chemical weapons being delivered by a missile that even if the missile is intercepted, there is still a good likelihood the payload will still be delivered with lethal effect. In a perfect world, a hit would incinerate the lethal payload, but that isn’t how a missile is generally taken down. More often than not, a missile is shredded by an interceptor warhead that detonates in its vicinity. This type of intercept would likely destroy the missile’s ability to fly, but not inert the biological or chemical payload that quite likely would still be dispersed over the area where the missile was intercepted. Are you beginning to see the problem with the logic? If we present an existential threat to Iran, Iran can and would likely use whatever it has in its WMD arsenal.
Sure, we can say that if Iran uses WMD, we’d hit them with nukes or like munitions, but who in their right mind wants to even go there? Tens or hundreds of thousands…even millions would be killed on both sides. What the hell has Iran done that would justify risking a war at this level? Iran exists as a boogeyman for war propaganda, but in real terms, hasn’t done a damn thing to the US outside of when we invaded Lebanon and began bombing Beirut (again for the Israelis) and got a bloody nose that we are still whining about to this day. It is insanity, but we are on the knife edge of the abyss.
I should also mention that Iran may actually have a nuclear weapon. We have no intelligence to prove that, and we have never recorded an Iranian nuclear test, so most say they do not possess a weapon. However, Iran does have the technical capability, fissile material, and now, potentially the motivation. Their rhetoric about the “fire” of war coming to the US also is suggestive. Further, just because Iran has never tested a nuclear weapon doesn’t mean it doesn’t have one that could work. They could use indigenously developed simulations to model a detonation and build a functional device or use existing technology from Pakistan or North Korea. In fact, there has been talk for years inside of the intelligence community that suggests Iran jointly developed a turnkey nuclear capability with North Korea. I can’t definitively confirm or deny this but will say that there is enough real potential Iran does have a few nukes that I think it should give us pause and be discussed. Whether or not Iran has the bomb, they have the capability to deploy one both overtly and covertly. If they opted for a missile system to deliver a bomb, we couldn’t do much about it. Our THAAD system would only intercept the missile during re-entry, and that would likely be too late to prevent, at minimum, a high-altitude airburst detonation. Our air defense systems are far from full-proof too and could simply fail to hit the missile. Iran could also have secreted a device into Syria or Lebanon, and potentially could have it so close to the Israeli border, that it could be launched and/or detonated in a manner that ensured it made it to Israel before it could be intercepted. These are very risky options for Iran, so I don’t see them as remotely close to a first strike capability. Nonetheless, in the event Iran was facing annihilation, I think all bets would be off and they’d throw anything they had at whatever was left Israel and our defenses to score a hit.
At this point, I hope you are beginning to understand that Iran could reach as far as our military bases in Europe with both conventional and unconventional WMDs. However, how could they hit the US? Should we even be worried? The short answer is yes, but as you may have guessed, it is more complicated. First, let me dispel this fear porn being peddled about Hamas and Hezbollah cells crossing the border and wreaking havoc across America. Do they have operatives in the US…yes, 100%. Are they going to go on shooting sprees…no, most likely not but there are probably a few idiots that will commit enough of something that the government can use this to lockdown the nation in panic and fear. You see, the US is huge. It’s simply impossible even 1000 operatives could do much more than torch a building or shoot up a parking lot. The impact would be psychological but have no real impact on anything in the big picture. The government would love this though because it would give them the justification to blow it wildly out of proportion so they can seize more power, spy on you even more, and ultimately control you through fear and force. Remember though, having operatives here would be far more beneficial for Iran for intelligence gathering than any limited physical attack they could carry out. It is for this reason I do not see any true state sponsored assets doing anything overt. Now, let’s go to a much darker scenario. It is possible a country like Iran could have smuggled in a biological weapon through diplomatic channels. An operative could use something like this as a last resort…say if Israel nuked Iran. Further, Iran could use commercial shipping to deploy missiles and launchers covertly concealed in shipping container close enough to strike the US. These are very dangerous because they are difficult to track and nearly impossible to intercept. The intercept issue is tough because you must have assets in the specific area ready and looking for a specific threat. We just don’t cover all of our coastline with radars and launchers. If Iran launched a conventional missile, it could knock out a city block and deal a massive psychological shock to the US, but it would have next to no real effect. However, if Iran used missiles with WMD such as chemical weapons or a nuke over a major city, then we are talking serious problems. Iran wouldn’t have enough to “destroy” America, but they would have enough punch to kill enough Americans to make us regret ever getting into this war. I’d think a city or two could be turned into a hellscape between casualties and mass panic. Again, the US would recover, but it wouldn’t be worth the cost.
Folks, I am not trying to terrorize you. Go to sleep tonight. Sleep well. However, understand there is a real potential for this war to be far more painful than the public is expecting. The scenarios discussed are potential worst-case scenarios with just Iran. Though, if the war escalates to that level, I’d say we are looking at a 90% likelihood that it becomes a world war and that is where the real big problems start for the US homeland. Either way, whatever is going to happen, we are unlikely to stop it, so prepare now. Still though, never give up hope. By informing others about the risk, we just may enable some cooler heads to prevail so that this crisis can be deescalated before it becomes a major war. If not, you’ll be prepared to ride out the worst. Going forward, I expect things to play out with a semi-steady state of bombing Gaza and skirmishes on Israel’s northern border and then things suddenly escalate rapidly all at once. I’m not sure who will shoot first, but Israel seems content for now waiting for Americans to build-up in the region while bombing Gaza to rubble. In the interim, the Gulf Arab nations, Turkey, Egypt, and Iran will be closely coordinating their response. Concurrently, Iranian backed militias that will continue to attack Israel and US bases to continue the pressure on the US to reign in Israel. As soon as one side feels comfortable and ready, it will be game on, and the region is going to be burning if there isn’t a ceasefire. I really don’t think it matters who goes first at this point. It simply is a matter of whoever is organized to attack first, will.
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