Republicans Vote to Fund a Hellish Post-Civilized Nation
It’s Time to End the Party and Move On
The Framer’s, through the Constitution, granted Congress the “Power of the Purse.” The House of Representatives, as the closest representative body of the people, was given this authority because it is the single most potent power. With the ability to fund or defund the government, Congress ultimately has the power to bring any department of agency within the Executive Branch to heel. This last week we saw what amounted to pure theater. The Uniparty did what it does best, lie and deceive the citizenry while enriching itself. All week there was grandstanding and bluster from the controlled opposition stating they would hold up funding unless serious issues were addressed such as the persecution of citizens by the Department of Justice, abuses of power and corruption by the Biden family, the massive illegal invasion pouring unchecked across our borders, and the march toward WW3 in Ukraine. In the end though, just like they always do, they went ahead and funded everything and didn’t correct a single issue while they had the chance. Even the Ukraine aid that was stripped out was pure smoke and mirrors. The funding is only a small portion of the larger aid package Ukraine continues to cash in on and it’s already being acknowledged that Speaker Kevin McCarthy cut a side deal with Biden to just ram through the Ukraine aid in another bill when no one is paying attention. The American people got nothing in this deal but screwed. The Prostab Republicans proved once again to be treacherous liars and deceivers and voted to fund America’s demise into a post-civilized hellish nightmare. To hell with any moron that thinks this can be “fixes” with the next election. It’s time to end the Republican Party completely and look elsewhere.
Yes, you read that correctly. It is time to part ways and end the Republican Party. It serves no purpose beyond controlled opposition. The Party is either wholly controlled by or simply is the Uniparty. It may have once had value, but there are no longer enough redeeming qualities to continue this self-destructive and very abusive relationship. The pro-Establishment (Prostab) elites have profited from this arrangement by keeping a careful balance between feeding their greed and maintaining some semblance of a decent civilized nation. Some time ago though, it became a government for the government and of the government and the people were just relegated back to serfdom or slavery by other means. The days of holding out hope our self-imposed two-party system was an effective representative balance are long gone. We need to all wake up that nothing will improve, and things will continue to get worse by continuing to empower the status quo Establishment that led us to this wretched state of existence as a nation where every type of imaginable abomination, perversion, and evil is championed and cheered. It is time to vote them out by a coordinated and deliberate campaign to abstain from voting for any Republican incumbent en masse.
Sure, you may like your Representative, but it is the Party that actually matters when it comes to what does or does not happen. Your Representative, no matter “how good,” is replaceable with someone much better. This I promise you, so get over it. You need to see the bigger picture. Regardless, the Party…the Republican Party…the Party we voted for and empowered to control the House of Representatives, has done jack shit for the citizens of this country and made good on exactly 0.0 of their campaign promises. This for most didn’t come as any surprise, but it is proof that there is no fixing this problem by relying on the Establishment. I also know many of you are die hard Trump supporters and are already crying that Trump needs a Republican Congress if he gets elected to enact his policies so we can’t vote them out. I’m going to stop you right there and shred your illogic and outright denial of reality. First of all, Trump needs the “Republicans” like he needs cancer. These Prostabs are the exact same people that conspired with the FBI/CIA sponsored soft coup to ultimately remove him from power and persecute anyone that dared tell the truth and demand government integrity. With this Republican Party, the chances of Trump getting elected are actually lower because they are actively trying to screw him like they did the first go-around. Even if Trump manages to get re-elected and Republicans somehow maintain the House and/or pickup control of the Senate, his agenda is going nowhere. The Uniparty will react even more violently than before and only increase its attacks on Trump. The only way the nation and Trump…or any person that somehow manages to get elected if they have some shred of integrity and/or decency will be able to accomplish anything is if Congress is gutted starting with the Republicans for their treacherous betrayal of the citizenry.
Why not go after the Democrats? The answer is simple. We must have our house in order first and that requires eliminating anyone we can’t trust. The traitors must be removed from office and the rest must walk with the constant fear that if they vote against their constituents, they will be run out of office in very short order. Further, we actually have influence over Republicans. They hold the majority in the House and have the shortest terms of office. We’ll get to the Senate too, but the job will be easier if they see we voted out every single incumbent.
How do we do this? Previously, I wrote a detailed piece on how this works, but the cliff notes will suffice today. In short, you are playing on basic human factors across the board to force our leaders into action. You do this by pushing people to stay home and not vote unless “the Party” accomplishes what we sent them to Washington to do. Pretty simple, but we do this for all candidates so they can’t weasel out and try to blame “RHINOS” or the President or whomever or whatever. It forces them to recognize that they must act together as a Party or get removed together as a Party, no excuses. This eliminates the controlled opposition that grandstands so that we think there is actually some opposition and a real political struggle. They let their Gaetz’s and Greene’s pretend they are going to hold the line just to pacify the Republican base by placating them with a “we tried our best” type excuse. By ignoring the one-off lightning rod and instead keeping the focus solely on the record of all 221 Republicans in the House, it creates a very powerful incentive for them to stop playing games. If they truly fear we will legitimately let them all get wiped out in the next election, they may just start holding this out-of-control government accountable…if even a little bit. You see, it is much easier to convince a man to stay home then it is to convince him to be proactive and do something. The politicians know this and fear this paradigm shift in the way people approach elections. Instead of looking at what the candidate promises, the criteria for voting becomes what the Party “did” or “did not” accomplish. As soon as we say we don’t care who gets elected as long as it is not you again, the politician knows their days are numbered in office if they don’t make good on at least some promises.
It is important to note we are not abstaining from voting in some piecemeal way either. This is an organized voter revolt designed to eliminate all current incumbents. You see, this starts by lobbying them on social media to do their job and not sell us out. This is the education and sensitization phase. When they fail, we escalate the warnings against the Party to get it done before election season or they are out. This is the ultimatum phase. If we don’t have results by the time primaries come around, we show up en masse to oust every single incumbent. This is the action phase. If we get lucky and get a new candidate in place, great. Go vote for that person in the general elections. If not, and the scumbag slips past the primaries and heads to the general election, then we combine efforts to convince every voter in their respective districts to stay home and let them lose. Again, if the Party fails to make good on its promises, then all incumbents get voted out. No need for term limits. Sure, a Democrat will likely be elected if they lose, but it only would make a difference if you were dumb enough to believe it actually made a difference. Further, it is short term pain for long term gain. This is similar to a political game of chicken where you are perfectly okay driving off that cliff if you have to because you already know that if the status quo continues, you are getting pushed off that cliff anyhow. This is a grassroots approach and will work if you popularize the plan. We’ll probably have to do this for at least one cycle before they get the point we are serious and the game has changed, but it will be far more effective at change even if it causes some temporary pain. What will never work is voting back in the same Prostabs and thinking they’ll not sell you out this term. You, we, must make sure they know we are so dedicated to holding them accountable, we will let them lose if they fail us.
Look, I know it isn’t perfect and it is a longshot to get enough people on board, but at least it is a legitimate plan that can work. I promise you this though, it will be a lot easier to convince 3-5% of the Republican voters to stay home than it will be to get 3-5% out to vote than normally don’t. I know we are long past voting our way out of this mess, so let’s just call it a mitigating effort to buy time. However, this does afford voters a real opportunity to at least pressure our representatives to respect our wishes in the interim. If they don’t, it provides the easiest plan to remove them and it doesn’t require you to actually do anything…though ideally, you’d make a point to vote in the primaries to get rid of them so there is a decent candidate to run in their place. All I can promise you is that if you are lazy and want someone else to do the dirty work, if you are a defeatist and have been brainwashed into compliant apathy, if you continue to vote as we always have, it will absolutely get worse. Nothing we are currently doing right now stands any chance of reversing the descent of America into a hellish post-civilized nation and I have yet to see anyone else step-up with a plan so this is the best game in town.
Folks, what we saw this week with the continuing resolution is absolute proof we must ditch the Republican Party and hold every single incumbent accountable for this failure and treachery. The Republican controlled House could have insisted on political accountability, the end to persecution, the borders being sealed, the illegal invasion being turned back, and WW3 being averted. They could have gotten all of this by simply not funding any of it until these demands were met. They could have pulled the authorities for the various executive departments and agencies. They could have impeached executive leadership up to and including Biden. However, they not only did not do any of that, they caved and gave away the farm for nothing. The Democrats got everything they wanted. Persecution, wars, big spending, illegal immigration…it all continues thanks to the sellout by Speaker McCarthy and the Republican Party. This brings me full circle. Why in the hell are we tolerating this? I refuse to be played the fool and lied to by these deceivers and you should too. The Republican Party is no longer even remotely a possible solution. The Party is the problem…or at least 50% of it. As soon as people stop talking about the next election and start telling our elected leaders there is no “next election” if you don’t get it right this term, the better we will be.
I hope you’ll join me in flipping the script on the Prostab elites. It is overdue. They have betrayed us too many times. Until I start seeing real results, I will be actively working to defeat every single Republican incumbent and urge you to very publicly do the same. There is simply no longer any measurable policy difference between the Democrats and Republicans beyond the former actively and openly promoting the lunacy while the latter quietly condones and enables it. Let’s start with the shill McCarthy, who needs to be made an example of and booted from his speakership.
Till next time,