Taking Back America Can Be Done…Really
A Real, True, and Doable Plan to Stop the Establishment the Individual Can Execute
Today, I see despair has descended across what we used to proudly recognize as the United States of America. It is a pervasive mood of fear and hopelessness. The people have finally realized the Government is the problem and cannot be trusted, their elections are a sham, their economy is broken, and their nation is descending into chaos. Worse yet, they have been browbeaten, psychologically tortured, and brainwashed by non-stop propaganda and government sponsored terrorism to believe there is nothing they can do about it. I want all of you to listen very closely to what I have to say. It is all a lie. We have never had more power, but we are living in something like a dystopian Truman Show that has us cognitively paralyzed in this staged reality. Understand this. The Establishment has gone to great lengths to oppress you and create a false reality where you are led to believe you are alone, no one else believes like you, there is nothing you can do about it, and if you step out of line, you’ll be crushed. This has all been to demoralize, weaken, and scare you into a state of complacent apathy where you are incapable of resistance. However, like I said, we have never been more powerful. What we are missing are good leaders standing up and explaining what can be done to rid our nation of this cancer. Today, I want to do my part to remedy this dearth of guidance. I want to unite us around the fact that we can beat back the Establishment and explain exactly how it can be done. Upfront, my plan is very simple, totally lawful, and non-violent, yet extremely effective. All you must do is stick to the plan and keep spreading the word…it really is that simple. In fact, it is as close to a plan that requires you to do nothing, yet, in a strange paradox, will still work.
Daily, I listen to distraught people asking, “What can be done?” In a nation with a pedigree of such independence and creative spirit we should be flooded with ideas, yet to this seemingly simple question, there has been no champion. It is not an accident. Have you noticed how all we aren’t even allowed to imagine solutions that don’t require us to continue giving the Establishment power to fix the mess they created? You see, this is all an old game to control the people. They are masters of deception and redirection. They control the narrative and keep us fighting amongst ourselves for scraps while they rob us blind. Controlled or outright fake opposition, goal post moving, and shades of gray is how they perpetuate the continual erosion of your Rights and wealth while accumulating more power and money for themselves. Do you really think that if there was really a partisan divide in this nation, we would have maintained the same policies for almost a century? The proof is in their actions.
There is no substantive difference between Republicans and Democrats. This charade is a long-established fact. These parties have no daylight on the big issues. There is just the Pro-Establishment order I call the Prostabs, which are the elites, their paid apparatchiks, and the brain-dead normies. Then there is the Anti-Establishment block I call the Resistance, which pretty much consists of everyone else. You may note that none of the divisive categories the Prostabs wants so desperately to maintain appear in the taxonomy for the Resistance. That is because it isn’t a white or black, man or woman, or any of the other fifty dozen subdivisions created to divide and control America type of political body. No, there are just the oppressors and the oppressed, just as the Marxists desired. The spin is that despite the Prostabs accusing everyone of being an oppressor, it is the accusers that stand convicted of being the true oppressors. Prostabs always project and mirror their crimes to confuse, distract, and divert attention away from what they are doing.
So how exactly is one to regain power and control from the Prostabs? The plan is basic enough and is designed to force concessions. It is a very powerful first step that reigns in the insanity and brings balance back to society. Initially, it won’t eliminate the elites, but it will force them to return power so that real change can occur that improves the lives of the people, not the Prostabs. This plan is not novel or without precedent. A similar strategy was employed to force King John of England in 1215 to sign the Magna Carta for many of the same grievances we face today. We do this by making the Prostabs, in turn, pay a toll by threat of or actual loss of power “IF” they don’t do what “WE” demand. You see, these people are narcissistic megalomaniacs. They will do whatever is necessary to retain power and control and herein lies the weakness. The Prostabs have enjoyed a consequence free reign of terror for far too long, but now will have to pay a price for their oppression. It is this toll that will force positive action and the plan is all about how to create this pressure.
Here is what you/we need to do. The Resistance must openly refuse to vote for any Republican unless specific substantive actions are taken prior to the election. You read that correctly but hear me out because there is a twist. The Prostabs operate as a group, so treat them as a group. We will no longer accept IOUs. If they don’t make good on our demands, they are all out. This prevents them from doing the finger pointing and socializing blame for their deliberate inaction. The responsibility is squarely pinned on the party vice the individual candidate. They sink or swim together and that makes for a powerful motivator. Again, the Resistance must refuse to vote for any Republican candidate…none (I’ll deal with the naysayers and their concerns later in this letter). This can be applied to the Democrats as well, but for now, it is the Republicans that must be keelhauled during elections. Also, in practice, to work, this doesn’t have to be absolute (nor will it ever be due to Prostabs masquerading as the Resistance), but just large enough to threaten a complete wipe out of Republicans in federal government. Believe me, I have pondered this for a while and concluded it is far easier to convince people not to vote than to vote so we might as well build the strategy around it. Further, if we do get concessions and then you fail to vote and the party loses by our dereliction, well, at least we got some concessions. If we vote first and then hope for action, we know it will never happen. Most of us believe the elections are rigged anyhow so let’s see them try to rig this curve ball. Remember, to be effective in sinking any national election, we only need about 3% of a party’s active voters to openly vow to refuse to vote for any Republican if we don’t see action. For this round, it applies specifically to the Republicans because they control the House and budget. This is immense power that has not been wielded. In fact, they have repeatedly lied and deceived us, and the Speaker is actively protecting the Prostabs. Using my plan, we can force the Party to take action because if they fail to make good on their promises prior to the election, we will remove all of them. These demands should include impeaching Biden and his executive branch leadership, ending all political persecution of Trump, Catholics, J6ers, etc., ending the War in Ukraine, and defunding the Deep State.
You see, in a flip of logic regarding voting, we no longer will vote for a candidate. We now vote…or not…for the party because it is the unified group that is necessary to make the promised changes and it is the party that can be held accountable. We no longer vote based on what they will do, but what they did do since they have had literal generations of power. No excuses for failure to deliver on the will of the people or we clean the slate the next election cycle. The endless terms for the Prostab politicians must be ended one party at a time, not individually. To some, this may sound like “not voting,” but it is very different. Someone that doesn’t vote is an isolated individual that has ceded all civic power to the Prostabs. On the flipside, a unified Resistance that will not vote for anyone in the party unless they do what they were sent to Washington to do forces the Prostabs into action even if they are masquerading as Resistance. Know your enemy. The nature of the Prostabs is to cut each other’s throats to retain power. As such, if they fear that not just a candidate, but their entire fake party is about to be removed, the Prostabs suddenly have real cause to take a knife to the opposition and actually conduct some real substantive positive change and if they don’t, good riddance.
The period to leverage the plan is now. The Prostabs manipulate you by making the election about just electing us one more time and “then we can fix it.” Using my plan, we hold them accountable now before the election. The plan ends the deceit and forces party unity and action to do what they promised during their current term or there is no more party. The Prostabs have used the illusion that “if Party X doesn’t hold the House, the other side will win so you must vote for us” too long. This is all just a trick to keep the game going. They all know that it doesn’t matter who gets elected. The skill is making you think it does. My plan turns their logic around and makes the election about who doesn’t get elected. When the answer is all of them, suddenly Biden will be impeached along with the rest of the Executive Branch leadership. That my friends is something they care deeply about.
I know there are already naysayers claiming that I am a plant or trying to throw the election for one party or the other, or whatever other nonsense the Prostabs tell them to believe. The fact is you don’t have to trust me at my word. Use some basic logic and judge me on the merits of the plan. Who benefits from a unified front of people removing entire entrenched armies of elites? Who benefits from forcing a party to do what it promises? I tell you the truth. Just as Christ instructed us that you’ll know the tree by its fruit, you can judge who to believe.
There is a whole segment that will cry the lesser of two evils regarding the collateral effects of this plan. Specifically, they are terrified it will have to be put into action, which will deliver control of the federal government to Democrats. The fallacy of this logic is that they have been tricked into thinking it matters. If anything, it would simplify things and lay bare the naked tyranny that already exists thinly veiled behind elephants and flags. In fact, the “Democrats” might even switch over to the Resistance party and really clean out the swamp when they see the problem isn’t Republicans. Either way, these misled sheep will say that if the Republicans don’t have some representatives, then there will be nothing to stop the Democrat agenda. You see again, this is the lie. There is no Republican or Democrat agenda. There is just the Agenda. Evil is evil my friends. There is no lesser. If you tolerate some, you tolerate all of it. There is no daylight between the two “parties.” They are all part of the Prostabs, and each is just playing a role. One is the radical element that incrementally moves the goal posts and the other is just fake opposition so that the masses think they have representation and don’t rebel. They both work together to sedate the population into allowing this perpetual usurpation of Rights and wealth from the people. One is no better or worse than the other. Sure, we have a few individuals in Congress that amount to tokens for the Resistance, but they are mere pacifiers. They are allowed to do just enough to fool the mob into believing real action is happening. Think about it. What is a “conservative” trying to conserve? They are just Leftists that implement the Agenda slightly slower. Their policies look nothing like the original ideology the nation was founded around. How many show trials and fake investigations have we seen? These “investigative bodies” are nothing more than Prostab plants with a mission to slow walk and cover-up massive illegal and immoral acts. If, for example, Republicans were really a serious opposition party, we’d had healthcare reform, the Deep State would have been defunded, there would be almost no standing military, the national debt would be manageable, the big banks wouldn’t have gotten bailouts, the Federal Reserve would be dissolved, the wars overseas would never have happened, Biden would be impeached and join his entire family in jail for corruption, etc. etc. etc. Coming full circle, only when we cease to let the Prostabs play this game and start ending their generational power, do we start to exert the immense power that inherently resides with the people.
There are some of you out there that are hopefully thinking this through and asking good if/then questions. For example, if the Republicans call our bluff, then we let them suffer a catastrophic defeat. Next is if there are no Republicans this cycle, then what do we do next since we can’t vote out an unopposed Democrat. The answer is we start with a clean slate, which is long overdue. As the Republican party exists, we neither need nor want it. It is an anathema to freedom and liberty. We can take things that made sense and worked but infuse it with new blood and real grassroots leaders from the local level that haven’t been tainted by Prostab money. Let the Resistance become its own thing. I guarantee it will draw far more support from both parties than any one party has enjoyed in living memory. This isn’t a cure in and of itself. This just begins the healing process. To do that, we must first re-exert the power of the people over the Prostabs.
As much as I hate to go there, I need to. Trump. For the folks that believe Trump, or any other single man can save this nation, you need your bubble burst. He can’t…at least not alone. If you want Trump or whomever to “save” this nation, they will need a unified Resistance party behind them. To get that, we have to make it clear we are serious about wiping out every last Prostab shill masquerading under the Republican banner. You saw how well that worked the first go around with the “Republicans” sabotaging him at every opportunity. The Deep State ate him alive, and the Deep State was roughly 50% Republicans. Better said, the Deep State was 100% Prostabs. Unless you gut the Prostab’s power base or force them to make concessions, it really doesn’t matter who you send to the White House because they will be castrated by the bureaucracy.
Then, we have the negative nancies that say it won’t work but have no plan of their own and have done zero to offer better solutions. They are irrelevant and always have been so ignore them. They are followers not doers. These are the same stooges that will incessantly complain but will do absolutely nothing. They listen to “conservative” opiates like Fox News and their Neo-Con garbage and think that somehow translates to action. They were the ones that “knew” the vax was bad and the masks were useless, but folded the second they experienced the slightest bit of pressure and rolled up their sleeves and donned double masks. Curiously, they are the same people that talk about how we need a revolution and how this nation is headed for civil war but won’t take five minutes to write their congressman, suffer the slight inconvenience of not ordering from Amazon, or stand for even 10 seconds in a protest march or rally. I don’t know who they think this so-called revolution is going to be fought by because these sheeple already volunteered to be put under the yolk of tyranny without a fight.
Folks, I can’t make it any easier than this. I am giving YOU the first real plan I have heard anyone articulate that is feasible, viable, and effective to do something about the Prostabs. You asked for what you can do, and I am telling you…take back the power of your vote and refuse to provide it without real concessions. There is no need for violence, any illegal activity, or even a slight inconvenience. Just draw a hard a very vocal line on social media that you and everyone you know will refuse to vote for ANY Republican if the party doesn’t make good on its promises before the election. Make it clear your vote is an all or nothing. They must know you hold the entire party accountable. Then follow through. If our “elected leaders” don’t represent us and make good on their promises, we all stay home on election day. Seriously, do you have a better plan? Vote for more of the same so a 90-year-old career criminal can continue his or her grift at our expense? Every single “candidate” out there is just touting the same overused tripe. Their policies are designed by marketing experts to get voters fired up and to the polls, but they aren’t designed to work. They never have been and never will be. I’m asking you to break free from the control of the Matrix and start a real movement. I’m asking you to start lighting the fire by taking a stand. I’ll be the first to say it today and hope you’ll join me or offer a better plan. Until then, I refuse to cast my vote for any Republican if the Party fails to enact real and sweeping accountability across the government prior to the election.