The Counterterrorism Industry Is a Failed Sham That Must Be Ended
It’s Time to Focus On the Policy Makers That Created Terrorism and Brought It to Our Shores
Tonight’s article is something I have been working on for some time and is proving to be all too timely in the light of events over the New Year’s holiday. Let me be clear, the terrorist attack in New Orleans is not some accident or tragedy, it isn’t isolated, and it won’t be the last. It is the predictable result of both failed counterterrorism (CT) strategies and deliberate policies by what amounts to very evil and morally bankrupt leaders creating fear to control the population and profit. The problem is not and never has been the useful idiots carrying out these attacks we have been hunting and killing for decades. That is all a distraction. The real enemies and the real terrorists are the policy makers that have enabled these attacks. It is time for this to end. It is time to reveal the truth. It is time to account for the failures. It is time to address real policy changes that promote true peace and security. It is time to hold the real culprits responsible.
Think not? Just consider for a moment that not even the attacks on 9/11 would have been possible if American leadership had prioritized sane and sensible immigration policies that respected the established decidedly Christian European demographic across the nation. Said differently, none of the wars since 2001, none of the death, none of the crushing debt, none of the destruction of civil liberties, none of the massive growth of the national security state, and none of the domestic crime and terrorism related to Islamic extremism would have occurred if our CT strategy simply focused on preventing hostile foreign peoples and cultures from infiltrating and invading the nation. Yes, peace and security were really that simple, but we all know this was never about peace and security. In fact, the entire “counterterrorism” industry was a complete bait and switch as it was neither designed nor intended to counter terrorism. It was designed to create forever wars and fear that could be profitable and used to control populations after the fall of the Soviet Union. Without a boogieman to battle, the US lost its primary tool to control not just the US, but the world. Without the Soviets, there was no justification for billion-dollar weapon systems and a massive national security state. Without the Soviets, profits and power were on the line. An enemy was needed, and an enemy was created. That enemy was Islamic terrorists.
Why U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts Failed and Must Be Rethought
The hard reality is that since the September 11 attacks, the U.S. CT efforts have failed. There are more “terrorists” and terrorist organization now by magnitudes of order than just prior to 9/11. The U.S. has spent trillions on counterterrorism measures, including military interventions, intelligence operations, and policy reforms, yet we have never been more insecure. Instead of eradicating terrorism, U.S. policies have expanded extremism globally, drained national resources, destroyed civil liberties, and contributed to domestic vulnerabilities through poorly designed immigration and CT frameworks. This failure at its root stemmed from man’s unchecked desire for power and wealth. However, the actual acts that led us to this place of failure are worth recounting.
The Global War on Terrorism (GWOT): Misguided Foreign Interventions that Created Global Terrorism
Afghanistan: A War Without Resolution
The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 aimed to dismantle al-Qaeda (AQ). However, the dirty secret was AQ was a CIA creation, you might think of it better as a tool, and there was never really any intention of getting rid of it. AQ was too useful as a tool of fear to control the population, handsomely profit, and generate trillions in stimulus spending for the ailing economy. Since the US, at minimum, failed to destroy AQ, it moved the goal posts and targeted the Taliban. The Taliban were a bit more expendable and geographically fixed, so after being initially ousted, the Taliban became the justification for a 20-year conflict costing trillions of dollars despite their rule having nothing to do with AQ. By 2021, after decades of utter incompetence in both the US political and military leadership, the Taliban had regained control, underscoring the war’s futility due in no small part to no coherent U.S. strategy and the complete failure of both the U.S. military’s CT and counterinsurgency tactics. Worse, the chaos enabled CIA other created terrorist groups like ISIS-K to gain traction, amplifying terrorism rather than reducing it. Now, the mess we made has metastasized and is threatening to destabilize both Iran and nuclear armed Pakistan. With this track record, only a fool would count our CT “experts” as anything other than charlatans.
Iraq: The Birthplace of ISIS
The 2003 Iraq War, based on false claims of WMDs and ties to al-Qaeda, destabilized the entire Middle East. Despite having nothing to do with 9/11, the “trusted” Intelligence Community remained mute about the lies coming from the Bush Administration being used to justify all types of power grabs, budget deficits, lethal authorities, and illegal wars. There should be no debate that the deafening silence regarding the truth of these claims was a result of self-interest and truly diabolical aspirations within what we like to call the Deep State. These lies led to a war, the deaths and injury of over a million people, and the fall of Saddam Hussein’s government, which created a power vacuum, leading to sectarian violence spilling into Syria and a shift in power towards Iran. All of this again was predicated on the CT lie. Then, when WMD hunting and nation building narratives had run their course, the CIA embarked on its most bloody operation yet by creating ISIS. Sure, the CIA called it the Free Syrian Army and the al Nusra Front initially, but the organization remained fundamentally consistent. It was and is at its heart a CIA created Islamic terrorist army used to sow fear by chopping heads and burning Christians. At its peak during the Obama Regime, ISIS controlled vast territories in Iraq and Syria. Our CT operations to stop ISIS, “drained” $1.9 trillion from the U.S. economy (I’d argue it just laundered it to the Deep State) and left a legacy of destruction, but it failed to address terrorism’s underlying causes. Again, we see that U.S. policy makers created an evil boogieman for diabolical ends. In this case, it was to create a justification for continued U.S. occupation and control of large parts of Iraq and Syria and the need to conduct CT was just a thinly veiled excuse. Don’t get me wrong, most of the men fighting ISIS were there for the right reasons and truly believed these were bad guys that needed to be eradicated. However, like their enemies, they too were just useful idiots on a much bigger chessboard. This isn’t a dig at those men. They were brave, fought hard, and endured a lot of suck. I know, I count myself amongst them and this is why I can speak so candidly about what I witnessed and learned. It was all smoke and mirrors.
Syria and Libya: Covert Interventions Gone Awry
Syria was just the next steppingstone and another victim of our CT hustle after Iraq. Don’t ever let anyone tell you the U.S. support for the Free Syrian Army “inadvertently” empowered extremist factions, including al-Qaeda and ISIS affiliates. I can tell you firsthand we knew damn well who they were and what they were going to do. Think I’m exaggerating? I recommend you look up General Michael Flynn’s interview on ISIS with Al Jazeera English, where he flat out tells you that we knew. You can also check out of summary of it on Real Clear Politics here: Make no mistake, the U.S. policy to create ISIS was absolutely 100% deliberate. The blood was on America’s hands. Our leaders that created and executed these policies were pure evil and unleashed absolute genocidal hell on the region. Our covert CT strategy led not to the destruction of terrorism, but the widespread growth of it like never before. The monster the CIA created massacred entire ancient Christian communities, displaced hundreds of thousands, and destroyed irreplaceable archaeological sites and artifacts to highlight just a few of the features of this CT misadventure. In Libya, the NATO-led intervention in 2011 ousted Gaddafi but plunged the nation into chaos, allowing radical groups to flourish and spread across North Africa. Both cases highlight the “unintended” consequences of poorly planned interventions. It is also necessary to note these operations did not occur in a vacuum. Foreign special interests played a huge role in the supporting the creation of ISIS and its war against the Syrian Government. In this case, the Saudis and Israelis played a large but covert role. Maybe not so coincidentally, both states played key roles in 9/11 and in creating terrorists…so much so, one may successfully argue that any true CT strategy would have focused more on the governments in these states than any actual terrorist. With the veil removed, saying that the best way to fight terrorism would be to stop creating terrorists through arming, training, equipping, and advising these organizations now makes very good sense.
Libya: Overt Failure but Covert Success
In 2011, the U.S., alongside NATO allies, led an intervention in Libya under the banner of protecting civilians during the Arab Spring uprising against Muammar Gaddafi. Rather than an intervention as publicly portrayed, this was a coup sponsored by the CIA, which used radical Islamic groups tied to AQ in North Africa. The operation, which officially began as a no-fly zone, quickly evolved into a full-scale military campaign that culminated in Gaddafi’s capture and execution at the hands of the CIA’s terrorists. While the intervention succeeded in removing a dictator, it failed to account for the consequences of dismantling Libya’s fragile state apparatus unleashing a wave of extremism across North Africa. In addition, what many will not tell you is that it also super charged ISIS back in the Middle East proper. You see, the weapons captured by our CIA proxy terrorist groups were then purchased by our CIA using your tax dollars and then smuggled to ISIS terrorists via a port called Benghazi. Maybe this story suddenly makes more sense. Further, the U.S. under President Obama carried out a covert operation to back Ansar al-Sharia despite it being a known and dangerous AQ terrorist affiliate. You can’t get more treasonous than this folks, yet they tell you they need draconian CT authorities like spying on you and targeted assassinations to keep you safe. Again, it is all smoke and mirrors and now maybe you are truly seeing the real enemy was never some distant Arab practicing a radical form of Islam, but your own leaders.
The Rise of Radical Islamist Groups
After Gaddafi’s fall, Libya descended into chaos, with competing factions vying for power. This anarchy created fertile ground for radical Islamist groups, including Ansar al-Sharia, to flourish. Backed in part by U.S. support intended for anti-Gaddafi forces, these groups exploited the absence of a central authority to establish strongholds throughout the country.
Ansar al-Sharia, though initially presented as a group aligned with Libya’s revolutionary goals and dressed up much like the Free Syrian Army, was later exposed after it was implicated in extremist activities, including the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Remember, always ask yourself how the terrorists that attacked the CIA facility knew where to find this covert and highly secretive facility. The answer will tell you most of what you need to know when it comes to who was responsible for the catastrophe America made of Libya. Either way, the result was evident. Ansar al-Sharia’s influence spread rapidly, turning Libya into a hub for jihadist networks operating across North Africa. Without doubt, this was another prime example of how our CT strategy was not just a failure, but a lie.
Regional Spillover: Mali and Niger
The instability in Libya had a ripple effect across the Sahel region. Weapons from Gaddafi’s vast arsenal found their way into the hands of extremist groups, fueling insurgencies in neighboring countries. In Mali, Islamist militants, bolstered by arms and fighters from Libya, seized control of the northern part of the country in 2012, declaring it an Islamic state. This crisis prompted a French-led military intervention to reclaim the territory.
Similarly, Niger experienced a surge in extremist activity, with groups like Boko Haram and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) gaining strength. Libya’s power vacuum became a conduit for arms smuggling and recruitment, destabilizing the entire region. This culminated in a disastrous ambush of U.S. Special Forces and supporting personnel in an area a few hours northeast of Tillabéri in support of a botched CT raid. On a personal note, I tried to warn the teams not to go up there if they weren’t prepared and expecting a fight after a near miss I had in the area a short while prior. My warnings were dismissed by intelligence analysts, which stated that they doubted the threat since “they had no prior reports.” I asked how many people had been to the region to create such reports and they said no one. I won’t waste your time explaining the idiocy on display here, which is self-evident. Moving forward, the U.S. was ultimately ejected from its primary base of operations in Niger at the airbase in Niamey after our CT strategy failed to stabilize the country. This resulted in a new government that was, let’s say, unwelcoming to the continued U.S. presence and CT operations.
Neglecting State Sponsors of Terrorism
I mentioned earlier that Saudi Arabia and Israel have had deep ties to many of these terrorist organizations we so demonize. That should come as a shock and enrage Americans since both nations are treated as close allies receiving massive amounts of aid and weapons from the U.S. In fact, despite Saudi Arabia’s role in promoting radical ideologies and financing extremist groups, U.S. policymakers prioritized alliances with the kingdom for geopolitical and economic reasons. This relationship persisted even after 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were identified as Saudi nationals. Instead, the U.S. somehow found it more advantageous to attack Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. By ignoring state-sponsored terrorism from Gulf nations, the U.S. failed to address a critical driver of global extremism reaching the point of pure hypocrisy. Let’s not forget Israel either. Israel created Hamas to counter the then ruling faction known as the PLO. This again was done with clear eyes knowing that it would be a more violent organization, which Israel planned to exploit. This policy thread continued unbroken right up to and through the attacks on October 7th and is one of the primary reasons I continue to argue that viewing the attack as anything remotely close to a surprise is a gross failure to understand the actual dynamics at work in a nation that prides itself in operating through deception. This didn’t end with Hamas either. Israel was instrumental in infiltrating ISIS leadership and helping it to seize power in Syria. Israel has since closely coordinated with the terrorist government, which to date, it seems to correctly believe it owns and controls. Again, this is no accident. Israel, as much or more than other nations in the region has continuously created and backed terrorist organizations to destabilize its neighbors and to create pretexts for its military operations. This has led to incalculable loss of life and suffering, and it was all paid for by the American citizen, which was told it must support Israel no matter what. Well, once again, just like Saudi Arabia, our blind support, even if obtained by buying our leaders, has done nothing but bad for American security. Without a CT strategy focused on addressing these true state sponsors of terrorism, we are not only acting disingenuously, but we are also dangerously close to outright treason.
The Erosion of Civil Liberties: The Patriot Act and the War on Terror
In its pursuit of security after 9/11, the U.S. enacted sweeping legislation oriented on what as portrayed as necessary for CT operations that came at a high cost to individual freedoms. The Patriot Act, passed in 2001, granted the government unprecedented powers to monitor and control its citizens. It authorized mass surveillance programs that collected phone records, emails, and financial transactions without probable cause, often bypassing judicial oversight. Since then, the Patriot Act and its derivatives have been used to justify all manners of abuse and constitutional overreach. The legislation has been the single greatest seizure and suspension of civil liberties since President Roosevelt sent the Japanese to concentration camps during WWII and must be repealed. In fact, it is arguable that the oppressive nature and constitutional violations authorized by this act actually led to far more domestic extremism and terrorism. Further, now that you know our entire War on Terrorism was predicated on lies and designed to fight the very same terrorists we created and continued to support, it was wholly unnecessary and a deliberate act to seize power bordering on an actual soft coup.
The Military Commissions Act of 2006, which most aren’t even aware of, further eroded due process protections, allowing for the indefinite detention of individuals without trial in secret CIA prisons, often outside the scope of U.S. law. The widespread use of practices such as warrantless wiretapping, secret evidence, and indefinite detention violated the foundational principles of democracy. As a result, the surveillance state was further expanded under the guise of CT, with agencies like the NSA conducting bulk data collection programs. Whistleblower revelations, such as those from Edward Snowden, exposed the scale of domestic spying, sparking outrage over the imbalance between security and privacy. These measures not only alienated communities targeted for surveillance but also undermined trust in government institutions. While intended to thwart terrorism, they often ensnared innocent individuals, casting suspicion over entire demographics and fostering resentment. You may be thinking I’m referring to Muslim communities in the U.S, but I’m actually talking about traditional Catholics to illustrate just how far off the reservation the Department of Justice and FBI took these powers. You see, the “Islamic” threat was always just the boogieman to scare the populace into handing over freedoms. Once lost, the Government wasted no time weaponizing them against the very people it was trusted to protect. The erosion of civil liberties has left a lasting impact, demonstrating how CT policies can compromise the very freedoms they are meant to protect. Again, knowing that the entire CT industry was a scam, one of the very first acts by a true America First Administration should be to suspend the extraordinary authorities, reign in these rogue agencies, and return civil liberties to American citizens.
Historical Precedents: Operation Gladio and State-Sponsored Fear
Operation Gladio: Manufacturing Fear in Europe
I’ve repeatedly mentioned how our own government uses terrorism to create fear to control populations. It’s important that you know this is nothing new and sadly has a long historical precedent. To illustrate, let me introduce you to Operation Gladio, a covert operation spearheaded by the CIA and NATO during the Cold War, which was intended to counter Communist influence in Western Europe. Officially part of a "stay-behind" network to resist potential Soviet invasions, the operation took a sinister turn as it used terrorism to manipulate public sentiment and control political outcomes. The broader tactic behind Gladio, known as the "strategy of tension," aimed to create chaos and fear, making the public more amenable to authoritarian policies and military intervention. By fabricating or exacerbating threats, state actors justified restrictive laws, increased surveillance, and expanded defense budgets. This is exactly the same strategy at work today. Make no mistake, you will see every “terrorist” act, to include the attack in New Orleans, used to justify a myriad of totalitarian agenda items ranging from more power to control and surveil you to the need for new wars. In the case of the latter, completely unrelated acts will be tied to target nations such as Iran to justify a new war just like it was done against Iraq. If people aren’t awakened to this reality, we’ll suffer another generation of war and oppression at the hands of our own enemy elites.
Gladio involved CIA collaboration with far-right extremists and intelligence agencies to stage bombings, assassinations, and other violent acts. Let me stop right here and highlight the fact these CIA operations killed innocent people to include Americans in Europe. These incidents often used CIA sponsored “cutouts” like the terrorist Red Brigades (Leftist terrorist organizations), so that the acts could be blamed on Communist groups. The attacks were intentionally designed to instill fear and sway public opinion against leftist political parties. Further, the fear was amplified by a controlled media to justify policies in Europe that necessitated American control for security against the Soviets. For example, the 1980 bombing of the Bologna railway station in Italy, which killed 85 people, was initially attributed to leftist militants but later linked to neo-fascist groups supported by Gladio operatives. Italy was a primary target of Gladio as the CIA feared it was becoming too independent and neutral and was at risk of falling into the Soviet orbit of influence. To prevent this, they killed and wounded hundreds of innocent people in Italy to scare Italians into alignment with the West. Nothing could be sicker and eviler, and the ends most definitely did not justify the means. Once more, we find the CT actions were nothing more than a veneer to legitimize what was actually incredibly illegal and unconscionable actions by our own government.
Implications for Counterterrorism
Gladio is not an isolated example; it reflects a pattern of illegal state-sponsored manipulation to achieve geopolitical aims. Similar tactics have been observed in other regions, where intelligence agencies either directly supported or failed to prevent extremist actions that served broader strategic goals. These actions undermine trust in governments and illustrate how counterterrorism narratives can be weaponized to erode freedoms and consolidate power. Once you understand how operations like Gladio worked and how they continue to be at work with groups like AQ and ISIS, you’ll quickly realize the world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism is none other than the U.S. Knowing this begs for CT reform. Unless CT acts more like an investigative arm to target true sponsors of terrorist factions, we are only indulging in further cognitive dissonance.
Domestic Failures: Immigration Policies and Homegrown Terrorism
While U.S. foreign interventions often garnered attention, it has been the deliberately lax immigration policies that worsened domestic security. This was evident even prior to 9/11 with the numerous airline hijackings and the first World Trade Center attack. These policies were not accidental. Just like with Operation Gladio, they are calculated to perpetuate enough risk and fear that no one can question the government’s overreach of power. Despite billions being spent on combating terrorism overseas through CT operations, policymakers allowed the influx of individuals from the exact regions plagued by extremism without adequate vetting, enabling radical Islamists to enter Western nations, including the U.S. and Europe. This malicious plot created the conditions for homegrown terrorism, with individuals radicalized within immigrant communities or influenced by foreign-funded institutions promoting extremist ideologies. As stated at the beginning of the article, 9/11 would have never happened if the U.S. had only enforced strict immigration policies. No other CT measures would have been necessary beyond simply identifying that mass importation of Muslim populations into a predominately Christian European nation was never going to be compatible with peace and stability. The U.S. was quite literally importing foreign grievances and wars to our soil. This was not just stupid, it was insidious. The sum of these policies has created a situation where the inability to monitor and counter these threats domestically has made the U.S. increasingly susceptible to acts of terrorism on its soil exactly as intended to justify the national security state.
Path Forward: A Comprehensive Strategy
I hope I’ve built a compelling case to show our CT strategies and policies have not only been a total failure, but that they were never intended to be successful. Instead, our CT operations were never more than a way to legitimize far darker covert activities to control populations and nations while consolidating power and wealth in the hands of a finite elite. From this position, I’m arguing for an end to the CT industry. I don’t want to hear a word about the need to fight evil terrorists to protect our security if it doesn’t directly implicate going after the policy makers and nation states that deliberately have for decades created and used these terrorist organizations to sow fear and manipulate you into compliance. To combat terrorism effectively, the U.S. must prioritize reforms that address both global and domestic threats. Key steps include:
1. Reforming Immigration Policies:
o End all immigration from regions associated with terrorism.
o Re-establish pro-European immigration quotas with extensive vetting due to the infiltration of hostile Islamic extremists throughout Europe.
o Identify, outlaw, and prosecute foreign state sponsored activities and institutions, overt and covert, which promote hostile ideologies.
o Reverse through deportation the disastrous dilution of American demographics, which created a melting pot of world conflicts on our soil.
2. Addressing Root Causes of Terrorism:
o Confront state sponsors of terrorism, including Saudi Arabia and Israel, by prioritizing transparency and accountability, cutting foreign aid, suspending weapons and military support, and conducting criminal prosecutions.
o Promote regional stability through diplomatic and economic engagement, ending of covert subversion, and removing sanctions.
o Suspend all covert activities that seek to arm, train, equip, and/or advise proxy, militia, terrorist, and/or insurgent operations, activities, and/or organizations.
o Suspend all executive branch authorities and funding that enable or support in any way overt or covert subversive activities.
o Outlaw foreign sales of any military hardware, weapons, or intelligence related equipment.
3. Preventing Domestic Radicalization:
o Repeal post 9/11 authorities and return civil liberties.
o Aggressively prosecute constitutional violations.
o Prosecute government officials involved with the creation of foreign proxy, militia, insurgent, and/or terrorist organizations.
o Prosecute government officials involved in undermining U.S. sovereignty and security through aiding and abetting the importing of foreign persons from culturally or politically hostile and/or criminal backgrounds.
o Remove hostile foreign or newly naturalized persons in the U.S.
o End political persecution by the Department of Justice.
o Reform our prison system.
4. Reevaluating Foreign Interventions:
o Avoid interventions that create power vacuums exploited by extremists.
o Prioritize multilateral approaches and international cooperation.
o Drastically cut the budgets and authorities of all departments involved in the national security apparatus to include the Department of Defense, the CIA, and the FBI.
Conclusion: The Cost of Failure and the Need for Change
Since the September 11 attacks in 2001, the U.S. has invested trillions of dollars in military interventions, intelligence operations, and counterterrorism policies aimed at eradicating terrorist organizations. However, despite these massive expenditures and efforts, U.S. CT operations have failed to achieve their purported overt goals, resulting in an expansion of terrorism, erosion of civil liberties, and an increasingly militarized foreign policy. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, while initially justified as necessary to combat terrorism, only created more instability and fueled the rise of extremist groups like ISIS. These military interventions drained U.S. resources, deepened national debt, and ignored the true sources of terrorism, such as state sponsors like the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Israel. The failure to address the true covert roots of terrorism, the political chaos caused by interventions, and the erosion of civil liberties at home suggest that the current approach to counterterrorism is flawed and unsustainable. The costs of continuing down the current path—both in lives lost and civil liberties eroded ultimately outweigh any potential benefits, and it is time for a change in strategy.
The reasons behind this failure are multifaceted, but a sanitized official narrative would cite causes like misguided intervention, a focus on short-term military solutions, intelligence failures, lack of funding, and a failure to understand other cultures. This would also be totally fictious. In reality, CT operations were never meant to succeed. That is the dark secret no one can speak publicly about. CT only serves as a formal way to legitimize what is being done covertly to destabilize nations and sow fear so that effective manipulation of populations and governments can be successfully accomplished to the benefit of an elite few. Failure to address the true sources of extremism, such as oppressive U.S. backed puppet regimes and state-sponsored terrorism like the CIA’s repeated creation and use of terrorist organizations and cells globally will mean perpetual instability, insecurity, violence, and war.
We have a choice. If we choose to face the ugly reality of a history of criminal, even treasonous, actions by our own government, we can turn the page on generational violence and insecurity. However, this will mean a profound revolutionary level earthquake within the American political establishment. This cannot be done without recognizing how thoroughly corrupt the political establishment has become. If Americans want real change and real security, they must demand the incoming Trump Administration declassifies and releases the most substantive compilation of federal classified records in our nation’s history. These currently highly classified documents reveal the true nature and extent of the crimes committed not only against foreign nations, but our own citizens. These documents should form the basis for tribunals and criminal prosecutions as well as foundational government reforms that all but abolish the current national security state. As stated, these reforms would rise to a revolutionary level but are instrumental in real reform. A truly effective CT strategy will prioritize not allowing hostiles into our nation, removing the ones that are here, ending state support to and creation of terrorist organizations, and holding accountable the people responsible for creating and carrying out such policies here within our own government.
In closing, one may ask if I think this will really happen. My response is would you prefer to live in denial under constant oppression with daily threats of violence and perpetual insecurity? Either way, the current situation is not sustainable. The elites have grown so greedy for power and immoral they have lost all perspective. They have overplayed their hand, and the truth is being revealed. They will now go for broke and unleash hell to try and make a final attempt to scare you back into compliance. As we saw today, they will activate every terrorist cell they have to attempt to regain control and suppress the awakening. It is on each and every one of you to open the public’s eyes. Once they see the truth behind the CT industry, they can never unsee it and the government will not be able to continue this ruse. It won’t be easy folks, but it is within reach. You just have to have the balls to take back your freedom.
January 1, 2025