Ukraine Has Never Been Compatible with American Support
Morally, ethically, and legally the facts regarding the incompatibility of Ukraine with Western values have become inescapable. It is not sufficient to say the country’s government and institutions are wholly corrupt. The United States should never have been in the business of subsidizing the corruption and outright criminal activities in the Ukraine. Ukraine never was or is our problem in the US. Perhaps, it could be an issue for the Europeans, but not the US. Further, Ukraine and its war is none of our concern or business and does not impact US security unless we needlessly provoke an escalation that creates World War 3, which would be stupid and suicidal. As citizens, the mere notion that our tax dollars are being forcibly taken and then handed to this scum is unconscionable. Americans must demand that ALL aid ends, and Ukraine be left to its fate…one that is not just deserved but earned.
Ukraine is the global hub of money laundering, bribery, kick-back schemes, organized crime, human trafficking and prostitution, hacking, cyber theft, and corruption of all sorts. If we have learned anything from the Trump Russiagate-Coup and subsequent sham trials and hearings is that Ukraine was a clearing house for political corruption of the highest order. Ukraine was a financial sink for dirty politicians pumping in aid money in return for kickbacks. Because of the investigation of Hunter Biden in particular, we know this political money laundering machine went all the way to the President of the United States and everywhere in between. At this point, it appears that Donald Trump may have been the only person not in on the scheme. In the least there can be no doubt that then President Trump was viciously targeted by the “Deep State” out of fear his attempt to open a dialogue with the rat Zelensky would expose or endanger the entire fraud racket. There will be no way to know how many billions of dollars were laundered through Ukraine, but it is clear the crime is still on-going. When it comes to evidence of this, I’m going to make two points. The first is I have had firsthand access to information that proved high level corruption was rampant and went further than those currently under scrutiny, so I don’t speak from speculation, and I personally don’t need additional confirmation. I have seen it. Second, the evidence is overwhelming and publicly available. From sworn testimony, to bank records, to transcripts, to tax documents, to investigative reports, to open admissions from the “Big Man” himself, to just common sense…the case is iron clad. Anyone that cannot reach this conclusion falls into the categories of mentally incompetent, a liar aiding and abetting the criminal scheme, or suffering from intense cognitive dissonance.
The roots of the uprising that led to the events of 2014 have the CIA’s fingerprints all over them. This was an organized coup the CIA is proud of yet pretends it had nothing to do with what culminated in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Let’s be clear, nothing that the Agency touches results in anything we’d consider the good, true, or beautiful. Case in point…who acted as the CIA’s muscle on the ground? Funny you ask, because it was a hooligan soccer club of ultras (meaning right wing extremists for you not so soccer “football” attuned) called Sect 82 with Nazi sympathies that magically turned into the Azov Battalion after making friends with some unscrupulous case officers. Sounds like quality citizens to you, right! Yes, this became the same official Ukrainian military unit that was flying flags with swastikas and wearing SS Death Head pins and patches. Yes, that one Putin pointed to when he said he was fighting Nazis and the liars in the Western propaganda sneered and laughed. Despite a massive disinformation campaign by the West to try and scrub this fact or discredit those that highlighted this fact, the fact still remains. It was so bad that even the standard propaganda outlets like the NY Times knew that outright denial of this fact was no longer possible so shifted the narrative to one of; “Well, they have Nazi flags and tattoos and give Heil Hitler salutes, but they really aren’t “Nazis” in the way you and I think of them, so they are okay.” Think about this for a second. A rag like the NY Times, that has a history of vehement hatred of antisemitism in part due to its very Jewish management, ownership, and editorial staff, is now writing apologetic puff pieces for legitimate Nazi paramilitary organizations. Wow, how the mighty have fallen! You really can’t take these people seriously or believe a word they say. Here is proof of that sliding scale of big lie to not so big lie (so you should believe us now) from the NY Times. On a side note, if this sliding scale of big lie to not so big lie sounds familiar, it should. It has been repeatedly used as a tactic to blunt the damage of truth for things like COVID19, vaccine injuries and deaths, and the Nord Stream Pipeline terrorist attack. So, back to the NY Times and Nazis. Here is 2022 where the NY Times is claiming Russia lies and Ukrainian Nazis are a myth: Oops, I guess that wasn’t so true, but don’t look for any retraction. Now fast forward to 2023. Here is the same rag now trying to tell you there are some symbols, but it really isn’t that bad: The Times isn’t alone on this. Here is another such piece from the NY Daily News: You see how they lie? These are the most despicable scum imaginable. They are literally carrying water for Nazis so your tax dollars can be given to corrupt Ukrainian organized crime gangs, I mean government agencies, which then funnel that money back to the politicians in the West and their families. Before I leave this subject, I want to point out another example using the biolabs in Ukraine. When the story first broke, it was immediately slammed by quotes like this one from the Pentagon Spokesperson John Kirby. "The Russian accusations are absurd, they are laughable and you know, in the words of my Irish Catholic grandfather, a bunch of malarkey. There's nothing to it. It's classic Russian propaganda.” The “fact checkers” and other rag propaganda outlets quickly piled on from Politifact to Reuters:
There was one problem though. Despite their lies and half-truths, the biolabs did exist and Kirby is the one full of malarkey. When the fact was revealed biolabs did exist through State Department funding documents and no less than Victoria Nuland’s Congressional testimony, it forced the thought police immediately into damage control. The narrative then shifted from the big lie that it was all “malarkey” to the smaller lie that even though they do exist, they aren’t “weapons” research labs…despite the fact that most were established exactly as bioweapons research labs back during the Soviet days and were still experimenting on deadly pathogens. But, but…these are the “good kind” of research facilities and therefore, “Putin is still a liar and it’s all Russian disinformation.” How these shills stay in business is beyond me. For the finishing counter point to the true disinformation coming from the US government and Western propaganda outlets, I’ll let @GREENWALD (Glen Greenwald) address this nest of lies.
We’ve more than covered the highlights of the criminal activities and corruption. The place is rotten to the core. So, let’s look at Ukraine’s record on human rights, morality, and the church. Starting with human rights, it is abysmal. This is a country that was literally bombing entire villages, schools, and all. I remind you, this began long before “Russia’s unprovoked invasion.” Here is just one account from 2016 talking about the life in Eastern Ukraine, an area under attack by the Ukrainian government. Yes, the Ukrainian government was attacking this area and killing civilians prior to Russia invading. In fact, contrary to the disinformation from the West, this was and still is one of the primary reasons Russia used to justify its invasion. Specifically, to stop the rat Zelensky’s regime from killing more ethnic Russians living in what at the time was still Ukraine. See: I can sum this up by saying Ukraine treated the ethnic Russians so poorly it led to those areas primarily and historically inhabited by ethnic Russians voting to break away. When they tried to leave to avoid persecution, the Ukrainian government launched a military invasion to kill them and force them to stay. I always find it ironic how two groups that don’t get along will then kill each other just to maintain a system that forces the two hostile groups together. The insatiable lust for power and control of these megalomaniacs like Zelensky and his backers in the West is beyond comprehension. How someone is so hell bent on control that they’ll kill someone to control them even though the other party just wanted to be left alone is hard to explain. Either way, Ukraine’s policy didn’t work, and the regime’s logic was neither sound nor morally justifiable.
It is self-evident the Ukrainian regime has an abysmal human rights record and has no problem with killing innocent women and school children. So, let’s look at some basic civil rights like the freedom of speech, elections, and know, the First Amendment type things in the US. Exhibit #1: The case of Gonzalo Lira. I don’t care if you agree or disagree with his commentary, the man was an independent journalist, told the story of the war in Ukraine how he saw it, and harmed no one. For this he was arrested, imprisoned, horrendously tortured, extorted, and may ultimately be executed all while having no semblance of due process or a fair trial. Even worse, this man is a US citizen and the US Department of State all but turned their back on him because he espoused what they called a pro-Russia narrative they didn’t like so left him for dead. Never mind the fact he has a right to report without persecution (freedom of the press), has a right to dissent (freedom of speech), and has a right to equal representation under the law (citizen). Ukraine trampled on what we’d consider a free press and basic civil liberties in the West. Further, Ukraine sunk to the morally depraved level of torture. Torture is simply not compatible with a free society. It destroys any basis of authority, removes any legitimacy, and corrodes the morality and soul of the nation. These sick thugs have no business ever getting weapons, money, or support from the US or the West. It is disgusting. See:
As far as elections go in Ukraine, if what amounts to martial law (a national emergency) is declared, they can basically suspend elections. Not surprisingly, the rat Zelensky is very interested in “postponing” any election despite the fact one could be successfully held. This brazen seizure of power has completely removed any chance for the Ukrainian people to voice their approval or disapproval of the suicidal war the rat has committed Ukraine to fighting. They die, he profits. What more needs to be voted on? I know the US isn’t perfect. In fact, America is looking disturbingly similar on many of these charges such as suppression and censorship of speech, political persecution, election meddling, and the like, but these things aren’t openly condoned in the US, and we absolutely have the right to say we don’t want to support these things in other countries. Despite election meddling, the US hasn’t gone to this level of total suppression of any vestige of democratic processes like Ukraine. For this fact alone, you cannot call Ukraine a democratic country.
The last aspect I want to touch on is religion. Like free elections, speech, and press reporting, free exercise of religion is no longer seen as a cornerstone right. The rat Zelensky has cleverly pulled the same trick the US did with “counterterrorism.” In the US, it began “innocently” enough targeting what most could call “bad people.” However, very insidiously, the goal posts were gradually moved until the terrorist targeted was now nothing more than someone that disagreed with the political regime, didn’t wear a mask, voted for Trump, didn’t want to get force poisoned by an experimental gene therapy, or dared pray for the mothers and unborn on a sidewalk. Counterterrorism now is nothing more than a political weapon to silence and purge opposition. Truth tellers, much like Gonzalo Lira, were now the threat and deemed to be terrorists slated for termination. In this same way, churches and church leaders that didn’t agree with the regime’s war were gradually branded as pro-Russian operatives and then enemies of that state. Branded as such, they were then hunted down, arrested, and have been suffering much the same fate as Yan Taksyur and many others. If you don’t know Yan’s story, then you should immediately suspend any commentary on or the support of the Zelensky regime until you have educated yourself. Yan and many others that spoke against the suppression of the church and the bloodshed of the war have been murdered, disappeared, or imprisoned indefinitely by the regime. Further, the propagandists will try to spin this as only targeting the “Russian” Orthodox church and that it’s okay because they are really just, “spies for the Kremlin.” This is a lie. The regime has not only been oppressing the Orthodox church, but it has also targeted Baptists and other denominations far more broadly. This is chilling and should serve as a warning to all “free” Western “democracies.” If it can be done in Ukraine, be on guard for it to come home to you soon. The church’s crime was it spoke the truth and morally dissented from the mass slaughter. For the crime of not carrying water, the thugs moved in to shut down services, arrest leaders, and cancel God. There is a price to be paid for this.
Christ taught us that you will know the tree by the fruit it produces. A bad tree will always produce poison fruit and vice versa. This lesson was taught so that Christ’s followers would not be deceived and would see and know evil wherever it appeared and no matter how it was camouflaged. The regime in control of Ukraine is evil. They are bad guys. Even if you think there is moral equivalence here and Russia too must be evil (despite not cracking down on religion), it does not justify us supporting Ukraine. At worst/best, it means we should have never been involved with either party and allowed the wicked to slay the evil. I want to finish by asking you to please contact your elected representatives and demand an end to the support to Ukraine and the war. Demand peace negotiations be started. Demand the slaughter end. Demand they protect “us” from the nuclear war this will lead to if continued. The stakes are too high for you to selfishly rely on others to do your work while you just complain about how things are. You need to get active and yes, it does matter and does have an effect.
Till next time…