I just want to write a few short letters today for you to ponder. Each point is designed to help you break through the information warfare being used every day to lie to you, to manipulate you, and to control you.
Prior to the initiation of the “spring” offensive, a group of outliers amongst the alternative news crowd published a litany of works explaining why Ukraine’s offensive was doomed from the start, had no real chance of success, and would be a catastrophic waste of lives. This narrative directly contradicted what was being repeatedly broadcast from every outlet, expert, and pundit the elites could put on their payroll. Their experts set the stage with high expectations for sure. The West was anxiously waiting for the big day when Russia was going to get humiliated on the battlefield by this newly assembled NATO armada that represented the vanguard of weapons and equipment. Despite all the hype though, our little cadre of recalcitrant voices kept to the facts pointing out their lies and why this would fail. As far as I know, none of us are considered “senior policy makers” or are former 4-star generals, or heads of defense or intelligence agencies. Further, we certainly aren’t considered “experts” by the pro-Establishment (Prostab) circles since we proudly refuse to occupy prestigious positions within academia or thinktanks. Yet, despite such accolades, our analysis consistently outperforms the “experts.” Now, as the summer is coming to a close and the line of contact has not changed in the favor of Ukraine in any substantive way after suffering horrendous casualties, there are points to be made.
How could it be that to a person, our eclectic group of “amateurs,” were able to provide accurate assessments when all of the experts failed? This question is dangerously close to being rhetorical, but it isn’t meant to be. It is a serious question. Why has the system been allowed to fail to the point that the only thing more common than the Prostab being wrong is them lying to you. What should one conclude has occurred when the experts are the paid hacks, liars, and habitually incorrect?
I could ask a lot of questions based on my prior singular point, but it is sufficient to use this to first prove beyond any doubt that you are witnessing theater led by incredibly corrupt, yet equally incompetent people. This is the worst-case scenario. These are actors playing the roles of true professionals without any actual expertise or moral compass. They care no more about the consequences of their screen play than the cast on Broadway does once the curtains close so long as their checks clear. The problem is this isn’t fictional. Real people die in this play…hundreds of thousands in fact. What you are seeing is not the materialization of an efficiently organized society led by competent and capable people but a civilization in decline led by cronies, sycophants, and propaganda parrots. Control is maintained by force and theater, not by competency or earned respect in these declining empires. Information is used to control you not to aid you. It is wholly produced to further agendas, or it is aggressively censored. As such, in today’s world, you must dispense with any notion the “experts,” or the “government” can or will tell you the truth. In fact, the experts are incapable of truth telling at this point because they cannot discern the truth even if it was presented to them on a platter. Even if they could, their utter lack of integrity would mean they’d still opt to lie to you for profit and status rather than demonstrating the moral courage to speak honestly. In addition, for them to admit any of this would destroy their self-delusion. Living a lie is now easier than accepting reality and therefore there is no hope for the Prostab expert class. They must all be discounted, ridiculed, and ultimately removed from all positions of influence. They must be rendered a status fitting of their achievements…one of the court jester, not the judge.
Trusting these imitators has not been without cost. It has cost many a Ukrainian and any useful idiot that joined their cause in battle their lives…. hundreds of thousands. This has been deliberate. US intelligence now admits it knew Ukraine would suffer horrendous casualties but didn’t seem to care and certainly lied or was wrong about what those deaths would achieve. This is the prize you win for allowing the CIA into your country and listening to their poisonous lies. This mass murder has risen to the level of genocide and the architects of this slaughter like the Nulands and Agency heads must be brought before war crimes tribunals. They knowingly lied for profit despite the death toll. Yes, profit. Not only was this a waste of lives, but it has been a massive waste of taxpayer capital. Billions of dollars have been wrongfully taken from taxpayers without their direct consent and handed to extremely corrupt people under known false pretenses. Remember, nothing they said about this war has been true. This money was then passed back to many of the people that ordered its distribution through various indirect channels, making it also a massive money laundering operation. Then there is the state-sponsored terrorism used to sabotage world economies and the environment. The bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline and the destruction of a critical dam that flooded an entire region leaving a nuclear power plant dangerously low on cooling water are not small acts of sabotage. These are terrorist acts on a global scale that have sunk the European economy into recession and destroyed the homes and villages of thousands of people. There is no doubt to a sensible person the US sponsored these terrorist acts, yet the flag waving morons still line up to support the government.
Folks, why would anyone ever trust the governments in the West? Do you not see how you are being used and lied to? Why would you ever trust their experts? Why would you ever listen to a word they say? You need to push back. Laugh at them. Turn them off. Mock them mercilessly. Don’t buy their books or watch their shows…ever. If they make their money whoring for the Prostab machine, let them starve. Whatever you do, don’t listen to them. As soon as they tell you something, assume the opposite. If they say it is good, you know it is bad. States need to get in gear too. Your local representatives need to start forcing state attorneys general to open investigations, prosecute, and sue the malicious actors…and there are plenty. Racketeering, money laundering, corruption, misappropriation of tax funds, tax fraud, lack of accounting, and acts of terror are easy cases to bring these evil bastards to account for. States also need to opt out of taxes they provide the federal government for this kind of insanity. We can’t afford it and it is morally incompatible with the wishes of the citizens. The states should also force a vote on support for the war and place it on ballot referendums. Let the people speak not the Prostab apparatchiks. We start locally and move bigger. If we don’t, this war comes home, and it won’t be the European economy tanking and Ukrainians dying. It will be us.