Update: Threat to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Diminishes after Huge Alt-Media Exposure
Fantastic job getting the word out! We may have gotten a win. Sunlight is the nemesis of any false flag, and it is just this exposure that sidelined Ukraine’s plot to attack the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and create the context for NATO to enter the war. In the last 48 hours, news was carried by all of your MSM admitting as much: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-spy-chief-says-nuclear-threat-zaporizhzhia-plant-subsiding-2023-07-06/. Note how drastically different this narrative is from just a week ago when all of the paid propagandists were warning of the danger and how “Russia” was going to blow up the power plant despite providing zero evidence and very convincing hard evidence to the contrary. This shows they can be beaten at their own game when everyone does their part, which in this case was as easy as reposting articles exposing the false flag plot.
To recap, since publishing my dire warning, many informers have taken to all forms of media to sound the alarm and expose the operation. It spread like wildfire across the internet. This made it all but impossible for Ukraine to conduct the attack with any degree of deniability. Further, it forced the hands of world leaders to directly intervene, calling the rat Zelensky around the clock to tell him to stand down. This proves that there are still sensible and sane leaders that would prefer to not commit national suicide on behalf of Ukraine. That said, I would still guess some of those calls had a caveat that sounded something like: “We can’t use this op to start the war Volodymyr because you are an idiot and over telescoped your plans. How about next time keeping it quiet so the plan isn’t exposed in advance.” Either way, the immensity of the danger posed by allowing this to move forward, especially after being widely exposed, was simply too much.
I also want to note this is not a one off. We ARE making a difference. Do not let them demoralize you. Your simple acts like sharing my posts and those of others do have influence. Even if the evidence is semi-anecdotal, as trends appear, the confidence factor in the cause-and-effect relationship grows. As such, here is another example. Since my initial letters laying out the evidence for the futility of the war and the need to bring it to an immediate cessation through a negotiated peace as the only viable option to avoid a complete collapse of NATO and/or a nuclear conflict, the narrative has completely changed. Look at my letter from June 13th: https://open.substack.com/pub/demosthenestheyounger/p/putins-real-objective-in-the-ukraine?r=2i78uh&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web and the proceeding letters in comparison with the public narrative a month ago. At that time, there was “no doubt” the Ukrainian offensive was going to strike a devastating blow against Russia leading to Russia’s total defeat and no other options would be considered. Now change the station to today and you find article after article where the pundits have been schooled on reality and are suddenly carrying the same tune. No less than Foreign Affairs seems to have suddenly seen the light and is sounding mysteriously similar to the letters I have posted and other informers on the same wavelength: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/unwinnable-war-washington-endgame. Remember, I warned that there really were only two options for NATO. One was to attempt a “Kabul,” which was to steal as much as they could before the place collapses, cut and run, and then start another war (Iran) to distract from the previous criminal disaster. I said this would be marked by sudden calls for “ending the bloodshed” and a ceasefire, and then the media would simply ignore the entire war and pretend it never existed. This option at least averted the immediate threat of a nuclear war, but still spelled the end of NATO as a serious entity. The second option was to find a way to escalate, which would lead directly to World War 3. We have leaders in both policy camps so it is impossible to know which will ultimately prevail. However, when you combine the facts that:
1. The offensive has gone nowhere.
2. NATO member states are fracturing.
3. NATO member states are becoming dangerously unstable.
4. NATO member states are out of money and weapons.
5. NATO member states are getting cold feet when the gravity of nuclear war is on their doorstep.
6. NATO members are now calling for negotiations.
7. Russia did not run out of ammunition.
8. Russia continues to destroy every piece of military hardware supplied to Ukraine.
9. Iran and conflict in the Middle East are suddenly back in the news.
One would say the Kabul policy option right now is starting to gain the high ground. However, do not celebrate yet because we are far from out of danger. Ukraine is cornered and becoming increasingly desperate; and so is NATO and the CIA. These are extremely dangerous entities that will stop at nothing to achieve their goals even if it means recking the world. This plot to cause a radiological disaster and blame it on Russia is still on the table even if shelved for a later date or different location. Further, Ukraine has a list of other false flag operations to choose from that they’ll likely now look to exercise, which I listed in my prior letter here: https://open.substack.com/pub/demosthenestheyounger/p/ukraines-apocalyptic-plan-to-cutoff?r=2i78uh&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web I think from those, the two most likely options would be to either shoot down a NATO aircraft in a manner that could be blamed on Russia or launch a destructive (not disruptive…important distinction) cyber attack on a key NATO member state, posing as Russian state hackers.
In summary, you have reason to smile. The collective actions of the informers and the consumers of this knowledge checked a dangerous move that could have led directly to missiles flying. The battle continues though, and this was just a small victory in a long war. Please continue to subscribe, share, and if you really want to help me continue to bring you this analysis and insight, please consider even a small donation or paid subscription. As do most contributors on Substack, a substantial investment of time and a lifetime of expertise goes into the making of every post so subsidizing a mug of coffee keeps me sharp and writing! Thank you all. Till next time…