Over a month into the war in Gaza it’s clear that neither Iran nor its proxy Hezbollah are interested in escalating the conflict into a full-scale war with Israel. Aside from Iranian proxies that have launched mainly token levels of resistance, the great day of rage by Muslims across the Middle East turned into nothing. That said, this could still quickly escalate with a misstep, but so far, attacks launched against Israel and the US in the region have been calculated and proportional to maintain a shaky balance. Iran in particular is no doubt preparing for a broader conflict during this time window but has clearly signaled through back channels that it does not want a broader war. Unfortunately, for Iran, the greater Middle East, and the world, Iran’s vote doesn’t matter. This miscalculation across the region is that Iran was the instigator and aggressor. Instead, that title goes to Israel and the US. Israel is hell bent on realizing a Zionist Manifest Destiny that threatened to bring the entire world into the war before it ends.
Those that have read my letters know that I predicted Trump’s absurdly biased and totally unworkable Middle East peace deal known as the Abraham Accords would only lead to a bigger war. My logic was quite simple. The “agreement” was absolutely one-sided. It allowed Israel to steal huge chunks of Palestinian land and kick them out of Jerusalem. It created what would be by any standard, a shattered, dispersed, fully controlled, and totally oppressed Palestinian rump state that existed in name only. This was never ever going to be acceptable and could only exist in a Zionist fantasy that had little attachment to reality. Further, the greater Middle East has moved out of the Western sphere of control and has embraced BRICS making major deals with Russia and China. This has been most apparent with the de-dollarization of financial transactions, China becoming the biggest buyer of Saudi oil, Iranian energy deals with China, and major agreements being brokered in Beijing, not Washington. This move enabled huge sums of investment to move into the Middle East and particularly Iran. This also ushered in a period of warming relations and stability between Iran and Sunni Arab nations not seen in a generation. This relative peace and prosperity from BRICS and a move to multi-polarity has led to nations like Iran rapidly rebuilding and strengthening. To any sane person, this would be welcomed. However, Israel is a paranoid state with a messianic supremacy complex that will not tolerate a peaceful, unified, and reemergent Middle East. A strong Middle East is considered an existential threat through the Israeli lens and therefore must be destroyed. The manifestation of this psychological condition when it comes to political policy makes Israel the worst neighbor you could have. The result has been Israeli policies that undermined peace, stability, and security across the greater Middle East in nearly every way possible. This included massive lobbying in Washington to push wars across the Middle East, covert activities to include the creation of ISIS to destabilize, weaken, and/or topple Arab nations, assassinations, attacks, the creation of a racist apartheid state, and even nuclear blackmail. As such, it was only a matter of time before Israel created the pretext to bring the Middle East back under control through warfare.
The Zionist Manifest Destiny rooted in this malignant psychosis has permeated all aspects of the modern Israeli society to the point the third largest political party in the nation is the ultra-racist Jewish Power Party led by the lunatic settler Itamar Ben-Gvir who believes Gaza should be ethnically cleansed and the Al Aqsa Mosque destroyed so that the new Temple can be built on the Temple Mount. As I pointed out in previous letters, Ben-Gvir is extremely unstable and a key person to watch. He leads the coalition that enabled Netanyahu to retake power and in reward, was appointed as the Minister of National Security. Now let me pause for a moment and clarify that Ben-Gvir and his followers are not some small fringe whack-job sect. Well, they are whack-jobs, but they are not a small minority. They represent a mainstream messianic ideology that despite being discredited by both Christian and Orthodox Jewish teachings, believe they are entitled to do whatever they please to whomever they want because they are God’s chosen people. In the case of Gaza, this means the killing or cleansing of all Palestinians…to include Christians, which Ben-Gvir regards as a group that should be spit on. However, their aspirations are not limited to Gaza. They are very clear they intend to seize the West Bank and Temple Mount as well. In fact, it was Ben-Gvir’s goons that stormed the Temple Mount on October 3rd to precipitate the flareup in tensions leading to the staged attack on the 7th. It’s sad that I have to even address this, but no, they are not doing God’s will by any measure and no, their beliefs are not consistent with Biblical teachings of Jews or Christians. They are heretics hell bent on creating a much broader war.
Those that think Netanyahu will end this war in Gaza are dead wrong. Israel is using deception and delaying tactics to buy time so it can finish off the Palestinians in Gaza without having to fight a multi-front war it knows it would not be able to endure. To accomplish this, it has led the US and its regional neighbors to believe this is just an issue with Hamas. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once Israel secures Gaza, there will suddenly be a pretext to seize areas in the West Bank for “security” reasons. These seizures will be drastic forcing the Palestinians in the West Bank to capitulate into losing all but the most useless property or engaging in a war much like Hamas. Israel is fine with either outcome, but would prefer and in fact, plans to get the conflict. It needs this to justify seizing the Temple Mount to placate the extremist wing of Israelis led by Ben-Gvir and other fanatics. Israel will delay this until it has completely re-armed and consolidated its newly stolen territories because it knows it will set the Middle East of fire. This is where Israel gets its war with Hezbollah and Iran...if not everyone. It doesn’t care though because it has nukes and the US to bleed and fight for it. Make no mistake, our “greatest ally” doesn’t give a shit about American lives. We are mere gentile scum to them and are to be used and manipulated for their service. Anyone not crystal clear on that fact is badly deceived and doesn’t know a damn thing about the real enemy in our midst. I use the term enemy because they do not have our interests at heart and their actions will cause incredible death, destruction, and hardship for America and the West.
The consequences of this are very serious. I completely understand the perspective of Israel’s neighbors wanting to stay out of it. Things are improving. Their countries are rebuilding from a generation of American induced destruction, subversion, and control. For the first time in decades, countries like Iran are re-emerging as regional powers of technology and industry. In particular, Iran recognizes that with BRICS, it is now on a trajectory to rapidly eclipse Israel with its vast natural resources, a strong population of 90 million people, a rapidly growing tech sector, and a potent military that is quickly modernizing into a true power. Iran believes that it just needs to stay the course and as the West collapses, so to will Israel. It sees time as on its side and the sun rising in the east. Unfortunately, it is just this success that ensures Israel will attack Iran out of fear Iran is becoming too powerful. Worse, it is not just Iran that is in play. Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are quickly moving out of the American orbit for better deals with Russia and China. This poses a very real threat to the Dollar’s hegemony as the world’s reserve currency. By nations like Saudi Arabia walking away from the Petro-dollar arrangement, the US would cease to exist as we know it. The debt fueled excesses of the US would end and the nation would financially collapse. The effects of this would effectively knock off the US as a superpower once the dust settled. This terrifies Washington to the point they will do anything to try and prevent it. So, not just Israel, but the US sees a free and prosperous Middle East as an existential threat. This makes for a very dangerous convergence of interests not seen since before the invasion of Iraq. To prevent the Middle East moving into the BRICS sphere, Washington will allow Israel to pick a fight. This fight has started and is the long-term strategy for what was initiated on October 7th. Gaza is merely just the first step in a much bigger conflict designed to put the entire region back under the thumb of Washington.
Knowing this, the greater Middle East has a few options right now. The first is their current course of action. They can take their bribes and pay-offs and hope that the status quo can be maintained. This will prove costly for the region as they will be knocked off one by one and soon be rendered failed states until new Western backed dictators can be installed beginning the same game over again. The second option is to use all non-kinetic means to resist what is occurring. The entire region must unify and use its collective power over resources such as gas and oil to pressure concessions from the US and Israel. This would cost the region’s ruling elites financially but could buy the time they desire to safely develop and move beyond the reach of Washington. This may come in many ways. For example, some likely courses of action include an oil and gas embargo of the West, expulsion of the US from military bases in the region, military and weapons agreements with China and Russia allowing them to base forces in the region and to provide weapons that would make an attack by the US too costly, and/or announcing they will develop nuclear weapons to defend themselves. I believe this is their only real course of action that offers any chance of success. The third option would be for the united armies of the entire region to attack and destroy Israel. I have no doubt that should this scenario, or some permutation of it, be executed, the entire world would be drawn in, Israel would most likely use nuclear weapons, and when it is all over the region is left utterly destroyed with over 100 million dead. In this scenario, I’d predict Israel would barely survive, but the rest of the region would be annihilated. As for the rest of the world, I think this war would mark the end of Western dominance for the foreseeable future.
From the regional perspective, I think they see all of this and will eventually be forced into the second course of action in hopes of averting a major war. However, Israel doesn’t have a second course of action, and this is why I am writing to warn you all tonight. Israel will only be emboldened by the war in Gaza and will not be satisfied. They will continue to remove “all threats.” This logic of “no ceasefire” and “no limits” is not just an on-going war crime, but exactly the cocaine Jewish zealots will feed on to press the war into the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. Unless Israel is put into check by the US, and there is no sign of that happening right now, we are on a crash course for the third course of action. We can discuss game theory and what move nations like Iran can or should make, but I think this ultimately is a circular trap. No matter which way you go, it brings you in a complete circle back to war. Time will tell, but arrogance generally leads to miscalculations and poor choices. Knowing this, I’d advise any nation in the Middle East to prepare for war.
Till next time,